J-GLOBAL ID:200901004002776972   Update date: Sep. 04, 2024

Asakura Kiyotaka

Asakura Kiyotaka | Asakura Kiyotaka
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): https://sites.google.com/view/kiyotaka-asakura-personal/%E3%83%9B%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0
Research field  (10): Analytical chemistry ,  Catalytic processes and resource chemistry ,  Functional solid-state chemistry ,  Prosthodontics ,  Nanostructure physics ,  Nanostructure chemistry ,  Green/sustainable/environmental chemistry ,  Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems ,  Measurement engineering ,  Basic physical chemistry
Research keywords  (43): XFEL ,  MARX-Raman ,  mechanical catalyst ,  STM ,  EXAFS ,  蛍光EXAFS ,  金ナノクラスター ,  TPRF-XAFS ,  濃度傾斜表面 ,  XANAM ,  触媒 ,  マイクロエレクトロメカノキャタリスト ,  高速XAFS ,  Operando Spectrum ,  Quick XAFS ,  VSbO4-Sb2O4 ,  ディッピング ,  偏光全反射 ,  偏光全反射蛍光EXAFS ,  規整不均一触媒 ,  化学波 ,  担体金属相互作用 ,  チップ型触媒 ,  自己組織構造 ,  オペランド分光 ,  その場観測 ,  飽和炭化水素 ,  Operando XAFS ,  科学波 ,  MEMC ,  表面顕微分光 ,  触媒表面科学 脱硫触媒 ,  酸化物表面 ,  光電子顕微鏡 ,  XAFS分光学 ,  構造化学 ,  反応化学 ,  表面化学 ,  Surface MIcroscopy ,  Catalysis Surface ScienceXAFS spectroscopySpectromicroscopyOxide surface ,  Surface Oxide Surface ,  XAFS spectroscopy EXPEEM ,  Surface chemistry Reaction Structure
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (52):
  • 2022 - 2024 超高速X線吸収分光による1原子層酸化物担持白金光触媒の光励起電荷移動ダイナミクス
  • 2021 - 2024 超高速X線吸収分光による1原子層酸化物担持白金光触媒の光励起電荷移動ダイナミクス
  • 2023 - 2024 超高速データ駆動科学と先端計測技術の融合による触媒科学イノベーション
  • 2022 - 2024 Electrochemical conversion of CO2
  • 2020 - 2024 Application of Ultra Highly Sensitive PTRF-XAFS to Pt Alloy Nanoparticle Fuel Cell Catalysts
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Papers (498):
  • Kiyotaka Asakura. The Open Source Database of the Japanese XAFS Society. International Tables for Crystallography. 2024. I. 863-866
  • Masaru Kato, Daiki Abe, Siqi Xie, Shun Sato, Natsuki Fujibayashi, Koki Matsumoto, Akira Onoda, Takashi Hayashi, Takaya Mitsui, Kosuke Fujiwara, et al. Cu, Fe, N-doped Carbon Nanotubes Prepared through Silica Coating for Selective Oxygen Reduction to Water in Acidic Media. ChemCatChem. 2024
  • Kaiyue Dong, Bing Hu, Md Harun Al Rashid, Bang Lu, Keiko Miyabayashi, Kotaro Higashi, Tomoya Uruga, Yasuhiro Iwasawa, Daiki Kido, Satoru Takakusagi, et al. In situ Study on Structure of a Diluted Pt/HOPG Model Catalyst System Prepared by the Two-phase Liquid Reduction Method Using a Novel BCLA/HERFD+BI-XAFS Method. e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology. 2024. 22. 2. 129-137
  • Qing Wang, Shoji Iguchi, Ichiro Yamanaka, Jin Ohta, Takahiro Wada, Motohiro Uo, Daiki Kido, Masao Kimura, Kiyotaka Asakura. What is the Active Structure for High-Temperature Direct Dehydrogenative Conversion of Methane by the Supported NiP Catalysts - An in situ XAFS Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2024
  • Weiren Cheng, Daiki Kido, Yasuhiro Niwa, Shuowen Bo, Masao Kimura, Ryo Ota, Tamaki Shibayama, Kiyotaka Asakura. In situ pump-flow-probe XAFS study of photoexcited electron transfer over single atom-Pt/CoOOH photocatalysts. Chemistry Letters. 2024. 53. 1
MISC (347):
  • Daiki Kido, Hiromitsu Uehara, Satoru Takakusagi, Jun-ya Hasegawa, Kiyotaka Asakura, Yohei Uemura, Yuki Wakisaka, Akihiro Koide, Toshihiko Yokoyama, Yasuhiro Niwa, et al. Metastable structure of photoexcited WO$_{3}$ determined by the pump--probe extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and constrained thorough search analysis. 2022
  • Daiki Kido, Hiromitsu Uehara, Satoru Takakusagi, Jun-ya Hasegawa, Kiyotaka Asakura, Yohei Uemura, Yuki Wakisaka, Akihiro Koide, Toshihiko Yokoyama, Yasuhiro Niwa, et al. Pump--Probe EXAFS analysis of the metastable structure of photoexcited WO$_3. 2022
  • 朝倉清高, 三輪寛子. Accelerator Based Beam Science and Hydrogen. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2022. 2021
  • 朝倉清高, HU Bing, 轟直人, 和田山智正, 東晃太朗, 宇留賀朋哉, 宇留賀朋哉, 岩澤康裕, 三輪(有賀)寛子, 高草木達. アークプラズム法でHOPG上に作成したPtAuナノ粒子の異常なAu-Au結合短縮について. 触媒討論会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2022. 129th
  • 宇留賀朋哉, 宇留賀朋哉, 三輪寛子, 吉田健文, 金子拓真, 佐々木岳彦, 東晃太朗, 坂田智裕, 関澤央輝, 関澤央輝, et al. In situ X-ray emission spectroscopy for adsorbed oxygen and sulfur species on Pt/C electrocatalysts in polymer electrolyte fuel cells under operating conditions. 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2022. 83rd
Patents (9):
Books (10):
  • 触媒の基礎知識
    イプロス 2019
  • 化学|物質の構造と性質を理解する
    学術図書出版社 2019
  • XAFSの基礎と応用
    講談社サイエンティフィック 2017 ISBN:9784061532953
  • XAFS Techniques for Catalysts, Nanomaterials, and Surfaces
    Springer International Publishing 2016 ISBN:9783319438641
  • Practical Nanomaterial Analysis
Lectures and oral presentations  (130):
  • XAFS構造解析の基礎
    (XAFS夏の学校2024 2024)
  • Polarization Dependent Total Reflection Fluorescence XAFS studies on the Metal- Support Interaction
  • XPS-放射光講習会
    (ARIM講習会 2024)
  • 「現場をとらえる X 線吸収分光法で見えてきた触媒反応」
    (JST CREST【情報計測】「データ駆動科学による高次元X線吸収計測の革新」 最終報告会 2024)
  • What have I learned from surface science and catalysis?
    (Final Lecture of Kiyotaka Asakura 2024)
Education (2):
  • 1981 - 1984 the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Chemistry
  • 1977 - 1981 the University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry
Professional career (1):
  • 理学博士 (東京大学)
Work history (9):
  • 2024/04 - 現在 Ritsumeikan University Research Organization of Science and Technology SR Center
  • 2015/10 - 2024/03 Institute for Catalysis Catalyst Surface Research Division Professor
  • 2015/10 - 2018/03 Institute for catalysis Director
  • 2014/04 - 2015/09 Hokkido University Catalysis Research Center Director
  • 1999/04 - 2015/09 Catalysis Research Center Professor
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Committee career (34):
  • 2023/09 - 現在 Organizer of Q2XAFS Chair
  • 2022/10 - 現在 Japan Society of Synchrotron Radiation Research hyou Council
  • 2022/07 - 現在 International X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy(IXAS) Chair
  • 2018/05 - 現在 Committee member of Accounts of Materials and Surface Research
  • 2015/01 - 現在 日本XAFS研究会 幹事(国際、企画)
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Awards (11):
  • 2021/08 - Paper award Thorough Search Analysis of Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Data for Complex Molecules and Nanomaterials Applications
  • 2021/03 - Chomical Society of Japan Academic Prize Establishment of in situ EXAFS as Dynamic Catalyst Surface Analysis Technique
  • 2017/06 - American Vacuum Society VTD Shop Note Awards Portable ultrahigh-vacuum sample storage system for polarization-dependent total-reflection fluorescence x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
  • 2017/03 - Chemical Society of Japan BCSJ Sellected paper An Origin for Lattice Expansion in PVP-protected Small Pd Metal Nanoparticles.
  • 2016/03 - Catalysis Society of Japan Academic Awards In situ Observations of Catalyst Structure using Operando XAFS Spectroscopy and Studies on the Catalytic Reaction Mechanisms
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Association Membership(s) (16):
International XAFS Society ,  Royal Society of Chemistry ,  ATOMIC ENERGY SOCIETY OF JAPAN ,  THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR SYNCHROTRON RADIATION RESEARCH ,  中間子学会 ,  コロイドおよび界面部会 ,  物理学会 ,  応用物理学会 ,  日本化学会 ,  日本表面科学会 ,  CATALYSIS SOCIETY OF JAPAN ,  PF-UA ,  米国化学会 ,  日本XAFS研究会 ,  Atomic Society of Japan ,  American Chemical Society
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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