J-GLOBAL ID:200901026056422991
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Oya Masahiro
オオヤ マサヒロ | Oya Masahiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Other affiliations (2):
Research keywords (6):
, 自動車の制御
, 適応制御
, control of robotics
, control of vehicles
, adaptive control
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
MISC (335):
Panfeng Shu, Masahiro Oya, Junjie Zhao. A new adaptive tracking control scheme of wheeled mobile robot without longitudinal velocity measurement. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 2018. 28. 5. 1789-1807
Yuichiro Taira, Shinichi Sagara, Masahiro Oya. Motion and force control with a nonlinear force error filter for underwater vehicle-manipulator systems. International Journal of Artificial Life Robotics. 2018. 23. 103-117
Shu Inoue, Keshiki Terada, Hidetaka Ohta, Yuichiro Taira, Masahiro Oya. Improved Wrist Joint Dynamics with Myoelectric Signal inputs. The Proceedings of The Twenty-Third International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics. 2018. 635-638
Naoki MATSUO, Hideki WADA, Katsuhiro OKUMURA, Masahiro OYA. Position Control of Multirotor Helicopter with a Wind Disturbance. The Proceedings of The Twenty-Third International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics. 2018. 639-643
Yuichiro Taira, Shinichi Sagara, Masahiro Oya. Design of a motion and force controller based on impedance control for underwater-vehicle manipulator systems including thruster dynamics. The Proceedings of The Twenty-Third International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics. 2018. 653-658
Books (5):
初めて学ぶ 現代制御の基礎(改訂版)
東京電機大学出版局(改訂版) 2010
日本機械学会 2008
初めて学ぶ 現代制御の基礎
東京電機大学出版局 2007
Robust Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems with Dynamic backlash-like Hysteresis, Chapter Ten of Adaptive Control of Nonsmooth Dynamic Systems
Springer 2001
Robust Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems with Dynamic backlash-like Hysteresis, Chapter Ten of Adaptive Control of Nonsmooth Dynamic Systems
Springer 2001
Lectures and oral presentations (117):
(第36回計測自動制御学会九州支部学術講演会予稿集 2017)
(第36回計測自動制御学会九州支部学術講演会予稿集 2017)
(第36回計測自動制御学会九州支部学術講演会予稿集 2017)
(計測自動制御学会 2017 年度産業応用部門大会講演論文集 2017)
(第60回自動制御連合講演会前刷集 2017)
Works (2):
2013 - 2016
2009 - 2012
Education (4):
- - 1988 Hiroshima University
- - 1988 Hiroshima University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1983 Hiroshima University Faculty of Engineering
- - 1983 Hiroshima University Faculty of Engineering
Work history (4):
- 2016 - Kyushu Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering
- 2016 - Kyushu Institute of Technology School of Engineering
- 2010 - Kyushu Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering
- 2010 - Professor,Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering,Faculty of Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology
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