J-GLOBAL ID:200901027375112101
Update date: Oct. 17, 2024
Saitoh Kunimasa
サイトウ クニマサ | Saitoh Kunimasa
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Communication and network engineering
, Optical engineering and photonics
, Electronic devices and equipment
Research keywords (8):
Optical Fiber
, Optical Fiber Communications
, Optical Fiber Technology
, Optoelectronics
, Photonic Integrated Circuit
, Silicon photonics
, Computational Electromagnetics
, Lightwave and Radio Science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
- 2022 - 2027 結合型マルチモードマルチコアファイバによる革新的空間分割多重伝送技術に関する研究
- 2019 - 2022 Coupled multicore fiber technology for innovative optical fiber communications
- 2016 - 2019 光ファイバ通信の限界を打ち破るマルチコアマルチモードフォトニクス
- 2013 - 2018 革新的光ファイバの実用化に向けた研究開発(マルチコア光ファイバ技術と標準化指標の確立)
- 2013 - 2016 フォトニックバンドギャップ及びマルチコアによるファイバー高エネルギーパルス光源
- 2013 - 2016 光通信容量の飛躍的な拡大のための空間分割多重技術の基盤形成
- 2011 - 2016 革新的光通信インフラの研究開発(マルチコアファイバ接続技術)
- 2010 - 2013 シングルコア光ファイバの限界を打ち破るマルチコアファイバ技術の基盤形成
- 2009 - 2013 高出力ファイバ増幅器ならびにレーザのための希土類添加ダブルクラッド偏波保持フォトニック結晶ファイバの設計と作製
- 2010 - 2012 ソリッドコアフォトニックバンドギャップファイバの高度利用技術の開発に関する研究
- 2007 - 2009 誘導ブリルアン散乱特性を考慮したホーリーファイバの性能評価法の確立とその応用
- 2007 - 2009 フォトニックバンドギャップファイバカップラを利用した新型光ファイバデバイスの開発
- 2005 - 2007 高非線形フォトニック結晶ファイバ形光デバイス実現のための理論構築と実証実験
- 2005 - 2007 超高非線形分散フラットホーリーファイバの最適設計とその高速任意波長変換器への応用
- 2003 - 2005 フォトニック結晶ファイバ解析設計支援環境の構築とファイバ形光デバイス開発への応用
- 2003 - 2005 フォトニック結晶ファイバの高精度分散制御法の開発とその高速光通信システムへの応用
- 1999 - 2001 波長分割多重光通信用音響光学デバイス設計支援システムと新構造光波長ルータの開発
- 2001 - Optical fiber communications
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Papers (426):
Takumi Kimura, Takanori Sato, Masaki Wada, Takayoshi Mori, Taiji Sakamoto, Ryota Imada, Takashi Matsui, Kazuhide Nakajima, Kunimasa Saitoh. Design of a mode-dependent-loss controller using a long-period fiber grating with coating material for a 2LP-mode transmission system. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2024. 41. 9. 1960-1967
Gustavo Ocampo, Takanori Sato, Mayu Iizuka, Kunimasa Saitoh. Random Polarization-Mode Coupling Effects in Heterogeneous Multi-Core Fibers With Different Cladding Diameters. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 2024. 42. 16. 5674-5680
Kodai Nakamura, Takanori Sato, Kunimasa Saitoh. A silicon mode multiplexer based on the three-stage cascaded wavelength insensitive coupler for MDM-WDM transmission system. IEICE Electronics Express. 2024. 21. 7. 20240065-20240065
Takanori Sato, Kengo Maeda, Yusuke Sawada, Takuya Mitarai, Takuo Hiratani, Takuya Okimoto, Tsutomu Ishikawa, Naoki Fujiwara, Hideki Yagi, Kunimasa Saitoh. High tolerant design of athermal Si wavelength filter using Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2024. 63. 4. 04SP55-04SP55
Takayoshi Mori, Takeshi Fujisawa, Junji Sakamoto, Yoko Yamashita, Taiji Sakamoto, Ryota Imada, Ryoto Ima, Takanori Sato, Kei Watanabe, Ryoichi Kasahara, et al. Variable Mode-Dependent-Loss equalizer based on Silica-PLC for Three-Mode transmission. Optical Fiber Technology. 2023. 81
MISC (283):
Special Invited Talk : 1-Pb/s Dense Space Division Multiplexing (DSDM) Transmission Technology Using 100Gbaud-class 16QAM Channels : Review of OFC2017 Postdeadline Paper Presentation. 2017. 117. 26. 25-27
Impulse Response Analysis of Coupled Multicore Fibers Having Random Twisting with Macrobending. 2017. 116. 456. 5-10
A proposal of low-loss and compact Si wire 90° waveguide bend using clothoid curves. 2017. 116. 388. 257-262
Optical Fibers for Ultra Large Capacity Space Division Multiplexing Transmission. 2016. 45. 12. 448-453
Theoretical investigation of highly efficient connecting structure between Ge-rib and GeSn waveguides and extinction characteristics of GeSn/SiGeSn multiple-quantum-well waveguide for mid-infrared photonics. 2016. 116. 274. 55-60
Patents (45):
Books (3):
Optical Fiber Telecommunications Volume V1B, Sixth Edition: Systems and Networks (Optics and Photonics)
Academic Press 2013
オプトロニクス社 2012
Frontiers in Guided Wave Optics and Optoelectronics
INTEC 2010
Lectures and oral presentations (263):
Suppression of Group-Delay Spread in Coupled Two-LP-Mode Four-Core Fiber
(IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2018) 2018)
120 Spatial Channel Few-mode Multi-core Fibre with Relative Core Multiplicity Factor Exceeding 100
(European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2018) 2018)
1.2 Pb/s Transmission Over a 160 mm Cladding, 4-Core, 3-Mode Fiber, Using 368 C+L band PDM-256-QAM Channels
(European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2018) 2018)
Iterative Unreplicated Parallel Interference Canceler for MDL-tolerant dense SDM (12-core × 3-mode) Transmission over 3000 km
(European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2018) 2018)
Microscopic Gain Analysis of Modulation-Doped GeSn Quantum Well: Epitaxial Design toward High-Temperature Lasing
(International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP) 2018)
Education (6):
Professional career (2):
- Doctor of Engineering (Hokkaido University)
- Master of Engineering (Hokkaido University)
Work history (10):
- 2013/04 - 現在 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Professor
- 2005/10 - 現在 Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University Associate Professor
- 2007/04 - 2013/03 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Associate Professor
- 2005/10 - 2007/03 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Associate Professor
- 2004/04 - 2005/09 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Assistant Professor
- 2004/04 - 2005/09 Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University Research Associate
- 2001/04 - 2004/03 Hokkaido University Assistant Professor
- 2001/04 - 2004/03 Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University Research Associate
- 1999/04 - 2001/03 日本学術振興会特別研究員
- 1999/04 - 2001/03 Hokkaido University Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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Committee career (37):
- 2018 - 現在 レーザー学会 「ファイバーレーザー」技術専門委員会委員
- 2015/05 - 現在 電子情報通信学会 光ファイバ応用技術専門委員会 顧問
- 2015 - 現在 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) Technical Program Committee (TPC)
- 2011/05 - 現在 電子情報通信学会 光エレクトロニクス研究専門委員会 専門委員
- 2010/04 - 現在 電子情報通信学会 光通信インフラの飛躍的な高度化に関する時限研究専門委員会 専門委員
- 2019 - Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC 2019) Technical Program Committee (TPC)
- 2010/06 - 2018/04 電子情報通信学会 光通信インフラの飛躍的な高度化に関する時限研究専門委員会 幹事補佐
- 2018 - Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC 2018) Technical Program Committee (TPC)
- 2018 - European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2018) Sub Committee Chair (SC 1)
- 2011/05 - 2016/04 電子情報通信学会 エレクトロニクスシミュレーション研究専門委員会 専門委員
- 2012 - 2016 SPIE Photonics West, Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems II Technical Program Committee
- 2016 - Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2016) Chair of Subcommittee D4
- 2016 - Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC 2016) Technical Program Committee (TPC)
- 2009/05 - 2015/04 電子情報通信学会 光ファイバ応用技術研究専門委員会 専門委員
- 2014 - IEEE Summer Topicals (SUM 2014) Co-Chair
- 2014 - Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC 2014) Technical Program Committee (TPC)
- 2010/04 - 2013/03 The Optical Society of Americal (OSA) Optical Fiber Communication Conference and National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC) Technical Program Committee
- 2013 - IEEE Summer Topicals (SUM 2013) Technical Program Committee
- 2010/05 - 2012/05 電子情報通信学会 代議員会 代議員(互選)
- 2011 - 2012 電子情報通信学会 ネットワーク社会のさらなる発展を支える光通信技術特集 編集委員
- 2010/10 - 2012/01 The Optical Society of America (OSA) Topical Meetings on Speciality Optical Fibers and Applications (SOF) Technical Program Committee
- 2012 - International Conference on Optical Internet (COIN 2012) Workshop Organizers
- 2009/05 - 2011/05 電子情報通信学会北海道支部 庶務幹事
- 2009/01 - 2011/01 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Sapporo Section Secretary/Treasure
- 2009/06 - 2010/12 電子情報通信学会 第15回光エレクトロニクス・光通信国際会議(OECC2010) 運営委員会 会場委員会 委員
- 2009 - 2010 The Optical Society of Americal (OSA) The 2nd Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and Their Applications (WSOF 2010) Technical Program Committee
- 2009 - 2010 The Optical Society of America (OSA) The 2nd Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and Their Applications (WSOF 2010) Technical Program Committee
- 2010 - The Optical Society of America (OSA) Optical Fiber Communication Conference and National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC) Technical Program Committee
- 2008 - 2009 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Guest Editor for IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology Special Issue on Microstructured Fibers
- 2008 - 2009 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Guest Editor for IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology Special Issue on Microstructured Fibers
- 2007 - 2008 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Photonics in Switching 2008 Technical Program Committee
- 2007 - 2008 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Winter Topicals 2008 Co-Chair (Photonic Crystal Fibers: Technology and Applications)
- 2007 - 2008 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Photonics in Switching 2008 Technical Program Committee
- 2008 - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics Technical Program Committee
- 2008 - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics Technical Program Committee
- 2006 - 2007 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Winter Topicals 2008 Co-Chair (Photonic Crystal Fibers: Technology and Applications)
- 2006 - 電子情報通信学会 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2006-Tokyo Session Organizers
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Awards (18):
- 2020/10 - Docomo Mobile Science Award
- 2017/07 - IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Lecturers Award
- 2015/02 - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) JSPS Prize
- 2011/11 - 東北大学電気通信研究所 第1回 RIEC Award
- 2009/04 - 船井情報科学奨励賞
- 2008/04 - 文部科学大臣表彰若手科学賞
- 2005/11 - エリクソン・ヤング・サイエンティスト・アワード2005
- 2005 - The Ericsson Young Scientist Award 2005
- 2004/07 - Best Paper Award in 9th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC2004)
- 2004 - Best Paper Award in 9th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC2004)
- 2003/02 - 平成15年度丹羽保次郎記念論文賞
- 2003 - Niwa Yasujiro Memorial Paper Award
- 2002/03 - 平成13年度電子情報通信学会学術奨励賞
- 2002 - Young Scientist Award from IEICE
- 2001/03 - 平成12年度電気学会優秀論文発表賞
- 1999/12 - 平成11年度電気関係学会北海道支部連合大会若手講演者表彰
- 1999/05 - 平成10年度電子情報通信学会論文賞
- 1999 - Excellent Paper Award from IEICE
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Association Membership(s) (7):
The Optical Society of Americal (OSA)
, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
, 電子情報通信学会
, The Optical Society of America (OSA)
, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
, Information and Communication Engineers
, The Institute of Electronics
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