Research keywords (8):
, 熱力学
, 糖鎖生物学
, タンパク質
, enzyme kinetics
, thermodynamics
, glycobiology
, protein
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
2020 - 2022 Calorimetric study of association and dissociation of cytoskeletal proteins
2015 - 2018 Development of heme oxygenase-1-based heme sensor for quantifying free heme in biological samples
2012 - 2015 Investigation of catalytic mechanism of heme oxygenase and protein-protein interaction among its related enzymes
2011 - 2013 有機溶媒相でのATP加水分解反応の速度論的及び熱力学的研究
2009 - 2010 ATP加水分解自由エネルギーの分割
2001 - 2003 Calorimetric and dielectrpspectroscopic studies of energy-transfer mechanism of within a protein molecule
2001 - 2002 リピート構造をもつ酸素が糖鎖上を解離せずに移動するメカニズム
1997 - 1997 蛋白質の酸誘発アンフォールディングのストップトフロー熱測定
1996 - 1996 ミオシン分子の力学的性質(バネ)を担う高次構造の研究
1994 - 1994 ミオシンモーターのエネルギー状態変化に共役した構造変化の研究
Show all
Papers (20):
Yusuke Kanematsu, Akihiro Narita, Toshiro Oda, Ryotaro Koike, Motonori Ota, Yu Takano, Kei Moritsugu, Ikuko Fujiwara, Kotaro Tanaka, Hideyuki Komatsu, et al. Structures and mechanisms of actin ATP hydrolysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2022. 119. 43. e2122641119
A Solvent Model of Nucleotide-protein Interaction - Partition Coefficients of Phosphates in Solvent-water Mixtures -
Springer 2018 ISBN:9789811084584
Lectures and oral presentations (74):
Thermodynamic analysis of cofilin-induced actin dynamics
(The 61th annual meetingof the biophysical society of Japan 2023)
Thermodynamic analysis of tau-MT interaction by Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET)
(The 60th annual meetingof the biophysical society of Japan 2022)
The loop structure responsible to the acceptor specificity of bacterial glucansucrase
(The 60th annual meetingof the biophysical society of Japan 2022)
Calorimetric study of RNA-induced formation of tau droplet
(The 59th annual meetingof the biophysical society of Japan 2021)
Relationship between the acceptor specificity and the loop structure of the catalytic domain in the bacterial glucansucrase
(The 59th annual meetingof the biophysical society of Japan 2021)