J-GLOBAL ID:200901063468217759
Update date: Sep. 18, 2024
Iwasaki Kazuhiko
イワサキ カズヒコ | Iwasaki Kazuhiko
Affiliation and department:
Other affiliations (1):
Tokyo Metropolitan University/Graduate School of System Design
Research field (2):
Electronic devices and equipment
, Computer systems
Research keywords (4):
Dependable Networking
, 情報通信工学
, 計算機科学
, VLSI Testing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
Papers (25):
Masayuki Arai, Shingo Inuyama, Kazuhiko Iwasaki. Layout-Aware fast bridge/open test generation by 2-step pattern reordering. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences. 2018. E101A. 12. 2262-2270
Masayuki Arai, Kazuhiko Iwasaki. Reordering-Based Test Pattern Reduction Considering Critical Area-Aware Weighted Fault Coverage. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES. 2017. E100A. 7. 1488-1495
Shingo Inuyama, Kazuhiko Iwasaki, Masayuki Arai. Critical-Area-Aware Test Pattern Generation and Reordering. 2016 IEEE 25TH ASIAN TEST SYMPOSIUM (ATS). 2016. 191-196
K. Ikeda, M. Ohara, S. Fukumoto, M. Arai, K. Iwasaki, M. Kimura. Distributed Data Replication Protocol for File Versioning (in Japanese). IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. 2015. J98-D. 4. 684-699
Ohara Mamoru, Arai Masayuki, Fukumoto Satoshi, Iwasaki Kazuhiko. Hybrid coordinated checkpointing technique using incremental snapshots. Reliability Modeling with Applications: Essays in Honour of Professor Toshio Nakagawa on his 70th Birthday. 2013. 195-213
MISC (5):
Tabito Suzuki, Mamoru Ohara, Masayuki Arai, Satoshi Fukumoto, Kazuhiko Iwasaki. Analysis of Probabilistic Trapezoid Protocol for Data Replication. 2008. 49. 6. 2092-2105
ARAI Masayuki, FUKUMOTO Satoshi, IWASAKI Kazuhiko. Reliability Analysis of a Convolutional-Code-Based Packet Level FEC under Limited Buffer Size(Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis). IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences. 2005. 88. 4. 1047-1054
Arai Masayuki, Kurosu Hitoshi, Fukumoto Satoshi, Iwasaki Kazuhiko, Tsuchiya Toshio, Yamada Kazunori, Youn Hee Yong. C-24 Implementation and Experiments on Dependable Video Conference System. 2002. 2002. 1. 235-236
YAMAGUCHI Anna, ARAI Masayuki, FUKUMOTO Satoshi, IWASAKI Kazuhiko. Analytical Evaluation of Internet Packet Loss Recovery Using Convolutional Codes. IEICE Trans. Inf. &Syst. 2002. 85. 5. 854-863
YAMAGUCHI Anna, ARAI Masayuki, KUROSU Hitoshi, FUKUMOTO Satoshi, IWASAKI Kazuhiko. Fault-Tolerance Design for Multicast Using Convolutional-Code-Based FEC and Its Analytical Evaluation. IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst. 2002. 85. 5. 864-873
Books (2):
Computer Architecture, 2nd Edition (in Japanese)
Asakura 2015
Network System Structure (in Japanese)
CORONA Pbulishing
Lectures and oral presentations (2):
Layout-Aware 2-Step Window-based Pattern Reordering for Fast Bridge/Open Test Generation
(International Test Conference 2017)
Critical-Area-Aware Test Pattern Generation and Reordering
(Asian Test Symposium 2016)
Works (1):
2001 - 2003
Education (2):
- 1977 - 1978 Osaka University Graduate School of Scientific Engineering
- 1975 - 1976 Faculty of Scientific Engineering
Professional career (2):
- M.E. (Osaka University)
- Ph. D. (Osaka University)
Work history (4):
- 2020 - 現在 Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 1990 - 2020 Tokyo Metropolitan University Professor
- 1990 - 1995 Chiba University Associate Professor
- 1979 - 1989 Hitachi Central Research Laboratory Researcher
Committee career (6):
- 2012 - 2012 IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, General Chair
- 2006 - 2007 IEICE Technical Committee on Dependable Compuitng, General Chair
- 2006 - 2006 IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Test, General Chair
- 2004 - 2005 IEEE International Test Conference, Asian Subcommittee Chair
- 2001 - 2001 IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Test, Program Chair
- 2000 - 2000 IEEE Pacific Rim International Sympsium on Dependable Computing, Program Chair
Show all
Awards (2):
- 2002 - 武田計測先端知財団研究奨励賞優秀研究賞
- 1985 - 電子通信学会論文賞
Association Membership(s) (6):
IPSJ Member
, IEICE Fellow
, IEEE Senior Member
, 情報処理学会
, 電子情報通信学会
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