J-GLOBAL ID:200901093617190709
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Shimomura Michiko
シモムラ ミチコ | Shimomura Michiko
Affiliation and department:
Otsuma Women's University The Institute of Human Culture Studies
About Otsuma Women's University The Institute of Human Culture Studies
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Detailed information
Job title:
Research field (1):
Home economics, lifestyle science
Research keywords (4):
, 食生活
, Cooking Science
, Food Culture
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
2002 - タンパク質性食品の調理中に起こる物性と組織の変化
2002 - Texture and Microstructure of Food during Cooking
1990 - 食文化
1990 - 宇由食用エスカルゴの調理的研究
1990 - Food Culotre
1990 - Cooking of Escargot for Space Food
1980 - 炊飯に関する研究
1980 - Study on Cooking of Rice
1960 - 魚介類の調理科学的研究
1960 - Study on Cooking of Fish. Shellfish
Pickles of Marine Products
Show all
MISC (50):
市川朝子, 下村道子. 卵豆腐・茶碗蒸しのおいしさとその科学(特集食のサイエンス-塩との関わり-解説). 日本海水学会誌. 2007. 61. 4. 210-216
下村道子, 石川恵, 児玉友里. 江戸時代の魚介類調理の特徴-『料理物語』の分析から-. 大妻女子大学家政系紀要. 2007. 43. 29-37
Ichikawa Tomoko, Kikushima Kazuna, Shimomura Michiko. Effect of Western Pumpkin on the Taste and Properties of Sponge Cake. Journal of cookery science of Japan. 2007. 40. 2. 82-89
ICHIKAWA, T, SHIMOMURA, M. Effects of Sodium Chloride and Other Salts on Diluted Egg White Sols and Gels. Food Scie., Technol.Res. 2007. 13. 2. 173-177
Shimosaka Chie, Miyauchi Yasue, Fukunaga Toshiko, Shimomura Michiko. Effects of Cooking Solution on the Physical Properties and Composition of Sharkskin. Journal of cookery science of Japan. 2007. 40. 2. 59-66
Books (14):
食を育む水(分担執筆 第2部 第2章 水と調理)
ドメス出版 2007 ISBN:9784810706901
新版 総合調理科学事典
光生館 2006 ISBN:4332050274
ドメス出版 2001
食の文化 第三巻 調理とたべもの
味の素食の文化センター 2000
雄山閣 1999
Works (8):
食事における礼儀作法(季刊栄養教諭第9号 78-81)
2007 -
災害時のメニュー開発 日本調理科学会誌
2007 -
1998 - 1999
Effect of Sugar on Cooking of Meat
1998 - 1999
1999 -
Education (4):
- 1970 Ochanomizu University
- 1970 Ochanomizu University Graduate School, Division of Home Economics
- 1961 Ochanomizu University
- 1961 Ochanomizu University Faculty of Home Economics
Professional career (2):
Doctor of Science (Sophia University)
Master of Domestic Science (Ochanomizu University)
Committee career (3):
1998 - 2001 日本調理科学会 会長
1994 - 1997 日本家政学会 理事
Awards (2):
1997 - 日本家政学会賞
1997 - The Thesis Prige of the Japan Society of Home Economics
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本調理科学会
, 日本水産学会
, 日本家政学会
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