Research field (4):
High-performance computing
, Intelligent informatics
, Software
, Computer systems
Research keywords (4):
knowledge discovery
, game informatics
, distributed computing
, programming environment
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2017 - 2019 Large-scale distributed Monte-Carlo game-tree search algorithm that can employ different evaluation strategies
2015 - 2017 Big Data Sharing Platform with Adaptive Security Control and Privacy Protection
2014 - 2017 交通ビッグデータに基づく運転者指向サービス基盤技術の研究開発
2014 - 2016 確率分布を反映したゲーム木の大規模分散モンテカルロ木探索
2012 - 2013 A distributed computing environment that can handle speculation by controlling scheduling and computing resources
Papers (41):
An Implementation of Werewolf Agent That does not Truly Trust LLMs. 2nd International AIWolfDial Workshop (Workshop at 17th International Natural Language Generation Conference). 2024. 58-67