1. Quality assessment methods 2. Development of drying processing techniques of agricultural products using trehalose 3. Elucidation of functional component of agricultural products
Shoji Miwa, Megumi Nakamura, Shoichi Kobayashi. Development of a Method for Producing a Carbohydrate-Based Food Ingredients with Antioxidant Capacity. Japan Journal of Food Engineering. 2011. 12. 3. 99-105
SCIENCE FORUM 2004 ISBN:4916164717
日本作物学会北陸支部、北陸育種談話会 1995
Education (3):
2013 - 現在 東京農工大学連合大学院 農学研究科博士号(農学)取得
- 1988 玉川大院(修) 農学研究科 資源生物学専攻食糧化学講座博士課程前期終了
- 1986 Tamagawa University College of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
博士(農学) (東京農工大学連合大学院)
Work history (8):
2012/04 - 現在 Ishikawa Agriculture and Forestry Research Center Resource processing research section Distributive processing group , National Agricultural Experiment Stations
2010/04 - 2012/03 Ishikawa Agriculture Research Center
2007/04 - 2010/03 Ishikawa Agriculture Research Center
2005/04 - 2007/03 Ishikawa Agriculture Research Center