J-GLOBAL ID:200901012558101390
Update date: May. 08, 2020
Kaneyuki Takao
カネユキ タカオ | Kaneyuki Takao
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Affiliation and department:
Kurashiki Sakuyo University Faculty of Food Culture, Department of Dietetics
About Kurashiki Sakuyo University Faculty of Food Culture, Department of Dietetics
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Detailed information
Job title:
Research keywords (10):
, ナスニン
, アントシアニン
, 抗酸化物質
, nasunin
, anthocyanin
, antioxidant
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
oxidation and reduction
MISC (10):
T Ichiyanagi, Y Kashiwada, Y Shida, Y Ikeshiro, T Kaneyuki, T Konishi. Nasunin from eggplant consists of cis-trans isomers of delphinidin 3-[4-(p-coumaroyl)-L-rhamnosyl (1 -> 6)glucopyranoside]-5-glucopyranoside. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY. 2005. 53. 24. 9472-9477
K Matsubara, T Kaneyuki, T Miyake, M Mori. Antiangiogenic activity of nasunin, an antioxidant anthocyanin, in eggplant peels. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY. 2005. 53. 16. 6272-6275
Purification and Partial characterization of acetyl-CoA Synthetase in rat liver mitochondria. J. Nutr, Sci, Vitaminal. 2002. 48. 5. 359-364
Antioxidant Activities of Pomegranate Fruit Extract and on the cyanidins: Delphinidin, Cyanidin, and Pelargonidin. J. Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2002. 50(1), 166-171
Hiromi YAMASHITA, Akemi FUKUURA, Tomomi NAKAMURA, Takao KANEYUKI, Masumi KIMOTO, Miki HIEMORI, Hideaki TSUJI. Purification and Partial characterization of acetyl-CoA Synthetase in rat liver mitochondria. J. Nutr, Sci, Vitaminal. 2002. 48. 5. 359-364
Books (1):
南江堂 2008 ISBN:9784524247790
Lectures and oral presentations (6):
The effect of DHA for experimental NASH model rats
(4th International Niigata Symposium on diet and Health 2008)
Antioxidation of Anthocyanins in Mulberry Fruit
(10th Asian Congress of Nutrition 2007)
Radical Scavenging Activity of Fermented Green Tea Extract
(Diet and Optimum Health 2007)
Isolation and characterization of acetyl-CoA hydrolase in rat liver mitocondria
(20th IFHE World Congress 2004)
Human physiology, diet and metabolism
(20th IFHE World Congress 2004)
Education (1):
- 1965 Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
博士(医学) (岡山大学)
Work history (1):
2002 - - くらしき作陽大学 教授
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本家政学会
, 日本農芸化学会
, 生化学会
, 日本栄養・食糧学会
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