Research field (4):
Food sciences
, Genomics
, Agricultural environmental and information engineering
, Applied biofunctional and bioprocess engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
2005 - 2030 Analysis of Food Dispersion for making fine food and/or medicals
2005 - 2030 食品成分分散系の相変化・形態変化を利用した食品の高付加価値化に関する研究
2014 - 2017 Application of supercooled water in W/O emulsion prepared by microchannel for cryopreservation
2016 - 2017 画像解析法を用いたコモパン生地の構造とその劣化に関する研究
2014 - 2016 微細水滴における過冷却現象を利用した新規な生細胞の保存方法の確立
2014 - 2016 微細水滴における過冷却現象を利用した新規な生細胞の保存方法の確立
2011 - 2014 Visualization of an ice grain-growth process for improving a food refrigeration technique
2011 - 2013 Visualization of an ice grain-growth process for improving a food refrigeration technique
2011 - 2013 Visualization of an ice grain-growth process for improving a food refrigeration technique
2007 - 2008 画像解析法を用いたコモパン生地の構造とその劣化に関する研究
2006 - 可児特産の里芋、自然薯及び里芋、自然薯を食材とする特産物の品質特性の分析解析
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Papers (83):
Yunzhuo Dang, Takeaki Otsubo, Satoshi Iwamoto, Nakako Katsuno. Unraveling the changes of physical properties and nanostructures of rice starch incorporated with pregelatinized rice starch paste during gelatinization. Food Hydrocolloids. 2025
Nakako Katsuno, Misa Onishi, Takumi Taguchi, Chie Ohmoto, Hideyuki Yamaguchi, Takuya Hashimoto, Satoshi Iwamoto, Teppei Imaizumi, Takahisa Nishizu. Cross-hierarchical analysis of self-assembly dynamics in enzyme-treated rice gel during retrogradation. Food Hydrocolloids. 2024. 156. 110355-110355
Palita Wangsuntornpakdee, Sudathip Sae-tan, Satoshi Iwamoto, Methavee Peanparkdee. Optimisation of soybean oil enriched with lipophilic antioxidants from Thai rice germs and their nanoparticles developed using complex coacervation. Food Bioscience. 2023
Fakfan Luangapai, Satoshi Iwamoto. Influence of blending and layer-by-layer assembly methods on chitosan-gelatin composite films enriched with curcumin nanoemulsion. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2023. 126061-126061
Hiromi Shimizu, Satoshi Iwamoto. Problems of Lipid Oxidation in Minced Meat Products for a Ready-made Meal during Cooking, Processing, and Storage. Reviews in Agricultural Science. 2022. 10. 24-35
Yamane Katsuki, Iwamoto Satoshi, Nakagawa Tomoyuki, Yamauchi Ryo. 2P-202 Effect of oil phase on viability of budding yeast encapsulated to a water droplet in W/O emulsion with a narrow size distribution. 2015. 67. 225-225
Terada Shouhei, Nishikawa Chisato, Iwamoto Satoshi, Teramoto Yoshikuni, Ebihara Akio, Yamauchi Ryo. 3P-109 Evaluation of the stability of β-amylase immobilized to the gelatin film prepared by hot cast method. 2015. 67. 298-298
Yamane Katsuki, Iwamoto Satoshi, Nakagawa Tomoyuki, Yamauchi Ryo. 3P-222 New cryopreservation method of microorganisms using supercooled microdroplets in W/O emulsion with a narrow size distribution. 2014. 66. 250-250
1997 - 2000 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
1995 - 1997 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
- 1995 東京大学農学部農芸化学科
Professional career (1):
博士 (東京大学大学院)
Work history (7):
2011 - 2014 Gifu University Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences
2003/10/01 - 2005/08/31 独立行政法人食品総合研究所任期付研究員
2002/04/01 - 2003/09/30 学術振興会科学技術特別研究員
2002/01/01 - 2002/03/31 科学技術振興事業団科学技術特別研究員
2000/08/01 - 2001/12/31 生物系特定産業技術研究推進機構派遣研究員
2000/04/01 - 2000/07/31 東京大学農学特定研究員
Gifu University Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences associate professor
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Awards (1):
2019/03 - The American Oil Chemists' Society 2019 Edwin N. Frankel Award for Best Paper in Lipid Oxidation and Quality Iron-Catalyzed Reaction of γ-Tocopherol with Methyl Linoleate Hydroperoxides in Solutions