Research field (4):
Nutrition and health science
, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
, Food sciences
, Home economics, lifestyle science
Research keywords (9):
sustainable development goals
, Plant based foods
, micronutrients
, biotin
, 疫学
, 食環境
, 健康
, 栄養
, ビタミン
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
2011 - 2015 Establishment of new sensitivite method for detemining biotin and its catabolisms by HPLC
2007 - 2008 Estimate of Dietary Intake of Micronutrients by Total Diet Study
2004 - 2006 Correspondence to the intracellular information transport system as a unique function of hepatic vitamin B12 in the higher animals
1993 - 1993 哺乳小動物の胎児細胞を利用した環境催奇形原の評価法に関する研究
1991 - 1991 細胞遺伝学的指標の長期・継続モニタリングによる変異原暴露個体の発癌の予知
1989 - 1989 母体ビオチン欠乏状態による奇形発現機序の形態学的・生化学的解析
1987 - 1987 昼夜逆転環境の妊娠へ及ぼす影響の実験動物モデルでの解析
1984 - 1984 ビタミン欠乏の催奇形作用発現機序の解析
1983 - 1983 ビオチン欠乏状態の胎児の形態形成に及ぼす影響の検討
1981 - 1981 哺乳動物卵子形成におけるキアズマ頻度と染色体異数性との関係の解析
1978 - 1978 姉妹染色分体交換の分析によるヘテロクロマチンの機能の解析
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Papers (236):
Nakao Azumi, Tomohiro Hara, Meihui Liang, Shuhei Ebara, Munetaka Negoro, Masahiro Yuasa, Toshiaki Watanabe. Effects of long-term intake of excess biotin and lysine on the development in young male mice. Trace Nutrients Research. 2023. 40. 63-69
Takatsugu Maekawa, Ayaka Kozai, Masahiro Yuasa, Shuhei Ebara, Munetaka Negoro, Toshiaki Watanabe. Analysis of characteristics of commercial seasonings using taste response by a taste sensor. Trace Nutrients Research. 2023. 40. 20-27
Munetaka Negoro, Masahiro Yuasa, Hiromi Sawamura, Shuhei Ebara, Toshiaki Watanabe. The clarified mechanism on regenerative effect of p-hydroxyacetophenone induced anti-fungal activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Trace Nutrients Research. 2023. 40. 52-57
Detection of thiamine-calcium-phosphorus complex in condensed bonito stock (Katsuo-Dashi) and examination of its formation process. 2023. 46. 2. 82-87
Dietary biotin supplementation increases energy expenditure via interscapular brown adipose tissue activation in rats
(22nd International Union of Nutritional Sciences-International Congress of Nutrition in Tokyo, Japan(IUNS-ICN))