J-GLOBAL ID:200901043897759828
Update date: May. 09, 2024
Tamura Hiroto
タムラ ヒロト | Tamura Hiroto
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Environmental impact assessment
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2020 - 2023 Discrimination of skin microbiome at strain level by visualization of biomarkers using MALDI-TOF MS
- 2018 - 2020 Clarification of rules for allowing protein expression
- 2014 - 2017 Construction and analysis of recombinant cyanobacterium expressing a chimeric enzyme complex for ethylene production
- 1997 - 1998 Design and Synthesis of Insect Juvenile Hormone antagonists
Papers (73):
Wei Jiang, Yuanyuan Chen, Shiping Liu, Hiroto Tamura, Wei Li, Guang-Xi Wang. Genetic diversity and the population structure of Monochoria korsakowii in Japan revealed by nuclear simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Aquatic Botany. 2023. 187. 103656-103656
Teruyo Ojima-Kato, Satomi Nagai, Akane Fujita, Junko Sakata, Hiroto Tamura. Proteotyping of Campylobacter jejuni by MALDI-TOF MS and Strain Solution Version 2 Software. Microorganisms. 2023. 11. 1
Shaohua Chen, Tatsuya Hirano, Yoshiaki Hayashi, Hiroto Tamura. Biological soil disinfestation compatible with renewable energy production for sustainable agriculture. Journal of Pesticide Science. 2022. 47. 3. 111-117
NAOMI TAKAHASHI, SATOMI NAGAI, YUMIKO TOMIMATSU, AYUMI SAITO, NAOKO KANETA, YOSHINORI TSUJIMOTO, HIROTO TAMURA. Simultaneous Discrimination of Cereulide-Producing Bacillus cereus and Psychrotolerant B. cereus Group by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Food Protection. 2022. 85. 8. 1192-1202
Itaru Dekio, Ken-ichi Okuda, Masako Nishida, Susumu Hamada-Tsutsumi, Tomo Suzuki, Shigeru Kinoshita, Hiroto Tamura, Kenichiro Ohnuma, Yoshiyuki Murakami, Yuki Kinjo, et al. Common Features and Intra-Species Variation of Cutibacterium modestum Strains, and Emended Description of the Species. Microorganisms. 2021. 9. 11. 2343-2343
MISC (20):
大場 正春, 田村 廣人, 平野 達也, 大道 武生, 大野 栄治, 水尾 衣里, 高畑 健二, 前林 正弘, 村野 宏達, 細田 晃文, et al. 持続可能イノベーション社会創成センター研究成果 : 温室効果ガス・廃棄物の資源化による持続可能社会実現を目指して-The research activities of the Center for the Sustainable Innovative Society Creation. 名城大学総合研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Research Institute of Meijo University / 名城大学総合研究所 編. 2020. 25. 209-213
中村伊吹, 細田晃文, 林義明, 平野達也, 礒井俊行, 田村廣人, 村野宏達. 水田土壌に施用した稲わらの繊維成分がアンモニア酸化細菌のamoA活性・動態および硝化に与える影響の解明. 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集. 2016. 62. 0. 37-37
細田,晃文, 余吾,奏枝, 清水,有香, 田村,廣人. P16-24 従属栄養性鉄酸化細菌の集積培養(ポスター発表). 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集. 2014. 2014. 171
西井 渡, 深松 将太, 細田 晃文, 村野 宏達, 林 義明, 片山 好春, 平野 達也, 礒井 俊行, 田村 廣人. 6 メタン創生水田土壌中の物質動態 : 第2報 窒素動態に関わる酵素遺伝子の把握(中部支部講演会,2013年度各支部会). 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集. 2014. 60. 0. 281-281
深松 将太, 西井 渡, 村野 宏達, 林 義明, 片山 好春, 平野 達也, 礒井 俊行, 田村 廣人. 5 メタン創生水田土壌中の物質動態 : 第1報 メタン創生・水稲栽培が土壌中の窒素動態におよぼす影響の基礎的把握(中部支部講演会,2013年度各支部会). 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集. 2014. 60. 0. 281-281
Patents (38):
Books (6):
A MALDI-TOF MS proteotyping approach for Environmental, Agricultural and Food Microbiology, in Microbiological Identification using MALDI-TOF and Tandem Mass Spectrometry: Industrial and Environmental Applications
John Wiley & Sons 2023
新版 農薬の科学
朝倉書店 2019 ISBN:9784254431230
MALDI-TOF-MS based upon the ribosomal proteins coding in S10 for proteotyping, in MALDI-TOF and Tandem MS for Clinical Microbiology, edited by H. N. Shah, J. E. Russell and S. E. Gharbia
John Wiley & Sons 2017
小学館 2013
ソフトサイエンス社 2008
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Philosophy (Agricultural Science) (Kyushu University)
Awards (3):
- 2011/03 - Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Biosafety Research Center Kitaji Mochizuki Memorial Award Studies on surfactant function and its environmental science
- 2011/03 - Pesticide Science Society of Japan Society Awards Studies on surfactant function and its environmental science
- 2005/05 - The Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan MSSJ AWARD for Excellent Article Characterization of biodegradation of non-ionic surfactants by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry
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