Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2004 - 2005 海洋性生物由来成分を含んだ機能性食品開発のための基礎的研究
2004 - 2005 腫瘍活性成分を指標とした海藻由来新規活性成分の探索
2004 - 2005 清涼飲料水中の成分分析
2004 - 2005 ケールおよびアガリクスの効果の解明
2003 - 2004 海藻由来水溶性多糖の抽出および低分子化
2003 - 2004 ケールの薬効およびその成分を発見する
1997 - The research on the structural determination of new drug candidates by instrumental analysis
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Papers (116):
TOMITA Ryoko, Nishijo Nao, HAYAMA Tadashi, FUJIOKA Toshihiro. Discrimination of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Cell Lines Using Amino Acid Metabolomics with HPLC. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2022. 45. 6. 724-729
Nishijo Nao, HAYAMA Tadashi, TOMITA Ryoko, FUJIOKA Toshihiro. Deep eutectic solvent extraction of cortisol and cortisone from human saliva followed by LC-UV analysis. Journal of Chromatography B. 2021
TOMITA Ryoko, HAYAMA Tadashi, NISHIJYO Nao, FUJIOKA Toshihiro. Fluorous and Fluorogenic Derivatization for Selective Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Cyanide in Human Plasma. Analytical Sciences. 2020. 36. 10. 1251-1254