J-GLOBAL ID:200902160971217609   Reference number:02A0597053

Structural Studies by Stepwise Enzymatic Degradation of the Main Backbone of Soybean Soluble Polysaccharides Consisting of Galacturonan and Rhamnogalacturonan.

Author (5):
Volume: 66  Issue:Page: 1301-1313  Publication year: Jun. 23, 2002 
JST Material Number: G0021A  ISSN: 0916-8451  CODEN: BBBIEJ  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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JST classification (2):
JST classification
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Carbohydrates and sugar chains in general  ,  Vegetables and processed vegetable products 
Reference (36):
  • 1) Morita, M., Polysaccharides of soybean seeds Part I. Polysaccharide constituents of “Hot-Water-Extract” fraction of soybean seeds and an arabinogalactan as its major component. Agric. Biol. Chem., 29, 564-573 (1965).
  • 2) Morita, M., Okuhara, M., Kikuchi, T., and Sakurai, Y., Polysaccharides of soybean seeds Part III. 1,4-Linked galacto-di- and trisaccharides from partial acid hydrolysate of the “Hot-Water-Extract” fraction of soybean seed polysaccharides. Agric. Biol. Chem., 31, 314-318 (1967).
  • 3) Morita, M., Polysaccharides of soybean seeds Part II. A methylated arabinogalactan isolated from methylated product of “Hot-Water-Extract” fraction of soybean seed polysaccharides. Agric. Biol. Chem., 29, 626-630 (1965).
  • 4) Aspinall, G. O., Begbie, R., Hamilton, A., and Whyte, J. N. C., Polysaccharides of soybeans: Extraction and fractionation of polysaccharides from cotyledon meal. J. Chem. Soc. (C), 1065-1070 (1967).
  • 5) Aspinall, G. O., Begbie, R., and McKey, J. E., Polysaccharides of soybeans: Partial hydrolysis of the acidic polysaccharides complex from cotyledon meal. J. Chem. Soc. (C), 1071-1080 (1967).

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