J-GLOBAL ID:200903049307464947


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (2): 園田 吉隆 ,  小林 義教
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):2008176299
Publication number (International publication number):2009035538
Application date: Jul. 04, 2008
Publication date: Feb. 19, 2009
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (5):
A61K 36/02 ,  A61K 9/48 ,  A61P 3/02 ,  A23L 1/30 ,  A23L 1/337
FI (6):
A61K35/80 Z ,  A61K9/48 ,  A61P3/02 ,  A23L1/30 B ,  A23L1/30 Z ,  A23L1/337 103A
F-Term (21):
4B018MD67 ,  4B018ME14 ,  4B018MF01 ,  4B018MF07 ,  4B018MF08 ,  4B019LC05 ,  4B019LE04 ,  4B019LE06 ,  4B019LK04 ,  4B019LP13 ,  4B019LP17 ,  4C076AA54 ,  4C076BB01 ,  4C076CC40 ,  4C088AA14 ,  4C088AC05 ,  4C088MA37 ,  4C088MA52 ,  4C088NA14 ,  4C088ZA66 ,  4C088ZC21
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (4)
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Cited by examiner (1)
Article cited by the Patent:
Cited by examiner (3)

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