J-GLOBAL ID:201302201513633033   Reference number:13A0747465

Genotypes of Candida albicans Involved in Development of Candidiasis and Their Distribution in Oral Cavity of Non-Candidiasis Individuals

非カンジダ症患者の口腔においてCandida albicans(鵞口瘡カンジダ)の遺伝子型はカンジダ症の発達およびそれらの分布に関与する
Author (13):
Volume: 52  Issue:Page: 315-324  Publication year: Oct. 31, 2011 
JST Material Number: G0589A  ISSN: 2185-6486  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Infectious diseases,parasitics diseases in general.  ,  Physiology and pathogenicity of microbial infection 
Reference (25):
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