J-GLOBAL ID:201803000079983468


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (3): 志賀 正武 ,  高橋 詔男 ,  鈴木 三義
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):2017066904
Publication number (International publication number):2018168098
Application date: Mar. 30, 2017
Publication date: Nov. 01, 2018
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (7):
A61K 31/765 ,  A61P 7/04 ,  A61P 19/00 ,  A61K 45/00 ,  A61K 38/08 ,  A61K 47/02 ,  A61K 9/06
FI (7):
A61K31/765 ,  A61P7/04 ,  A61P19/00 ,  A61K45/00 ,  A61K38/08 ,  A61K47/02 ,  A61K9/06
F-Term (31):
4C076AA06 ,  4C076BB21 ,  4C076CC14 ,  4C076DD26 ,  4C076EE41 ,  4C076FF70 ,  4C084AA19 ,  4C084BA01 ,  4C084BA08 ,  4C084BA17 ,  4C084BA23 ,  4C084MA55 ,  4C084ZA531 ,  4C084ZA532 ,  4C084ZA962 ,  4C086AA01 ,  4C086AA02 ,  4C086FA02 ,  4C086MA01 ,  4C086MA02 ,  4C086MA04 ,  4C086MA27 ,  4C086MA28 ,  4C086MA55 ,  4C086NA14 ,  4C086ZA53 ,  4C086ZA96 ,  4H045AA30 ,  4H045BA15 ,  4H045EA20 ,  4H045FA20
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (7)
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Cited by examiner (7)
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Article cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (1)
  • Screening of osteogenic-enhancing short peptides from BMPs for biomimetic material applications
Cited by examiner (1)
  • Screening of osteogenic-enhancing short peptides from BMPs for biomimetic material applications

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