J-GLOBAL ID:201801011782550845
更新日: 2023年09月26日
大西 隆之
Takayuki Ohnishi
山口大学 総合科学実験センター 遺伝子実験施設
山口大学 総合科学実験センター 遺伝子実験施設 について
「山口大学 総合科学実験センター 遺伝子実験施設 」ですべてを検索
研究分野 (2件):
, 遺伝学
研究キーワード (2件):
, 分子生物学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
2019 - 2022 微小管ダイナミクスに関わるKIF20Bの機能解析と乳癌幹細胞の新規治療への展開
2005 - NMDA受容体によるnNOSの活性化の分子機構
Molecular mechanism of DNA homologous recombination
論文 (12件):
Komura H, Kakio S, Sasahara T, Arai Y, Takino N, Sato M, Satomura K, Ohnishi T, Nabeshima YI, Muramatsu SI, et al. Alzheimer Aβ Assemblies Accumulate in Excitatory Neurons upon Proteasome Inhibition and Kill Nearby NAKα3 Neurons by Secretion. iScience. 2019. 13. 452-477
Ohnishi T, Yanazawa M, Sasahara T, Kitamura Y, Hiroaki H, Fukazawa Y, Kii I, Nishiyama T, Kakita A, Takeda H, et al. Na, K-ATPase α3 is a death target of Alzheimer patient amyloid-β assembly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015. 112. 32. E4465-E4474
Satoko Matsumura, Keiko Shinoda, Mayumi Yamada, Satoshi Yokojima, Masafumi Inoue, Takayuki Ohnishi, Tetsuya Shimada, Kazuya Kikuchi, Dai Masui, Shigeki Hashimoto, et al. Two Distinct Amyloid beta-Protein (A beta) Assembly Pathways Leading to Oligomers and Fibrils Identified by Combined Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, Morphology, and Toxicity Analyses. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2011. 286. 13. 11555-11562
Takayuki Ohnishi, Shinji Matsumura, Seiji Ito. Translocation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase to the plasma membrane by ATP is mediated by P2X and P2Y receptors. MOLECULAR PAIN. 2009. 5. 40
T. Ohnishi, E. Okuda-Ashitaka, S. Matsumura, T. Katano, M. Nishizawa, S. Ito. Characterization of signaling pathway for the translocation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase to the plasma membrane by PACAP. JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY. 2008. 105. 6. 2271-2285
MISC (4件):
Takayuki Ohnishi, Shinji Matsumura, Emiko Okuda-Ashitaka, Hiroshi Higuchi, Seiji Ito. Translocation of nNOS to the plasma membrane by ATP is mediated by P2X and P2Y receptors. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2009. 109. 275P-275P
Takayuki Ohnishi, Takashi Hishida, Yoshie Harada, Hiroshi Iwasaki, Hideo Shinagawa. Structure-function analysis of the three domains of RuvB DNA motor protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2005. 280. 34. 30504-30510
T Ohnishi, H Iwasaki, Y Ishino, S Kuramitsu, A Nakata, H Shinagawa. Identification and characterization of Thermus thermophilus HB8 RuvA protein, the subunit of the RuvAB protein complex that promotes branch migration of Holliday junctions. GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS. 2000. 75. 5. 233-243
T Ohnishi, H Iwasaki, Y Ishino, S Kuramitsu, A Nakata, H Shinagawa. Identification and characterization of Thermus thermophilus HB8 RuvA protein, the subunit of the RuvAB protein complex that promotes branch migration of Holliday junctions. GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS. 2000. 75. 5. 233-243
学位 (1件):
博士(理学) (大阪大学)
経歴 (1件):
2016/06 - 2018/12 山口大学総合科学研究センター 遺伝子実験施設
所属学会 (1件):
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