研究キーワード (5件):
, Semiconductor and Dielectrics)
, 固体物性I(光物体・半導体・誘電体)
, Solid-State Physics I (Optical Properties
, Applied Optics and Quantum Optics
競争的資金等の研究課題 (19件):
2023 - 2026 低エネルギーフォトン励起による近赤外エンジニアリングと非侵襲デバイス応用
2011 - 2013 ナノ結晶化ガラスの欠陥構造制御と蓄光特性
2009 - 2011 時空間レーザー結晶化制御によるナノ構造ガラスの創製
2007 - 2010 次元性を制御したナローギャップ半導体の機能デバイス化
2007 - 2009 ナノ結晶の空間的な外場制御によるマルチ機能ガラス材料の創製
2005 - 2008 革新機能ガラスフォトニック素子の創製
2004 - 2007 希土類原子加熱法によるパノスコピック形態制御光学機能ガラスの創製と光波制御
2004 - 2006 レーザによるガラスのナノ局所構造制御と光子伝達型フォトニック回路の創製
1999 - 2000 2次光非線形性を有するガラス材料の基盤研究とそのフォトニクスへの応用
1997 - 1998 紫外光ポーリングによるX^<(2)>周期構造の形成と新機能デバイスの研究
1997 - 1998 ガラス中の凍結した密度揺らぎの構造緩和過程の研究
1997 - 1998 密度揺らぎの制御による超低損失ファイバ用ガラスの開発
1996 - 1996 X^<(2)>周期構造を持つガラス導波路/ファイバの研究
Optical Nonlinear Photonic Crystals
Optical Nonlinearity in Glass Materials
Optical Nonlinear Properties in LiNbO3 Crystals
論文 (228件):
Nobuaki Terakado, Kota Matsumoto, Daichi Murai, Shingo Ebukuro, Yoshihiro Takahashi, Kazuro Kizaki, Takumi Fujiwara, Shuji Orihara, Yoshio Orihara. Deriving a fundamental equation for macroscopic stress in chemically strengthened glass: A thermodynamic model. Journal of Applied Physics. 2024. 135. 24
Yuta Hayashibara, Yudai Yokochi, Yoshihiro Takahashi, Nobuaki Terakado, Takumi Fujiwara. Nonconventional Li<sub>2</sub>O-SrO-Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> glass preparable through melt-quenching: A preliminary study. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 2024
OhHyeok Kwon, Yoshihiro Takahashi, Nobuaki Terakado, Takamichi Miyazaki, Takumi Fujiwara. Diversely phased glass-ceramics in Bi2O3-SiO2 system for heterostructure formation: A demonstration via visible-light-sensitive photocatalytic reaction. Ceramics International. 2024
Takuma Nakamura, Yoshihiro Takahashi, Nobuaki Terakado, Takamichi Miyazaki, Takumi Fujiwara. Optical modulation in nonlinear-optical glass-ceramic fiber driven by Pockels effect. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 2024. 132. 1. 11-15
Takuma Nakamura, Yoshihiro Takahashi, Nobuaki Terakado, Takamichi Miyazaki, Takumi Fujiwara. Silicate glass-ceramic fibers with nonlinear optical crystals: Evaluation of propagation loss and comparison to optical materials. Ceramics International. 2023
Synthesis of spinon thermal conductivity materials by ordering process in Sr-Cu-O inhomogeneous system for thermal management materials
(40th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites 2016)
Pockels effect in glass-ceramics with polar phase: A new class of photonic material
(Third International Workshop on Advanced Functional Nanomaterials 2015)
Perfect surface crystallization of fresnoite phase: Morphology and physical properties
(Eighth French Research Organizations Tohoku University Joint Workshop on Frontier Materials 2015)
Preparation of layer-type SrCuO2 by rf-magnetron sputtering and its laser-induced structure change to chain-type
(International Conference on Small Science 2015)
Crystallization in Glass for Advanced Photonic Application
(The 9th International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics 2015)