ecology of fish in seagrass, mangrove and coral reef habitats
論文 (38件):
Tongnunui P, Tarangkoon W, Hukiew P, Kaeoprakan P, Horinouchi M, Rojchanaprasart N, Ponpai W. Seagrass restoration: an update from Trang province, Southwestern Thailand. Proceedings of International Conference "Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world" (EMECS'11 - SeaCoasts XXVI). 2017. 1-22
Tongnunui P, Horinouchi M, Ikejima K, Sano M. Stomach contents of the sillaginid fish, Sillago sihama in Sikao Bay, Trang province. Extended abstracts of the 26th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand