2005 - Real Time Measurement of a Bottle Thickness by Means of Both Image and Reflection Methods
2005 - Hybrid System for Measuring Both Surface Undulation and Surface Roughness by Means of Laser Reflection and Scattering
2000 - 生体操作顕微鏡
2000 - The microscope which operates a living body
The real-time measuring device of the abrasion quantity.
論文 (13件):
上月 具挙, 小林 寛, 寺重 隆視. 電気分野の学習サポート教材の開発にむけて : 回路全体の電流・電圧の可視化への取り組み. 三次科学技術教育協会研究紀要 = Research bulletin of Miyoshi Institute of Science and Technology Education. 2020. 2. 3-12
T.Kozuki, N. Nawachi, K. Itoh, M. Kotera, H. Suga. A bio-electron microscope using DLC film which living cells can be observed in the atmosphere. International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing. 2013. 3. 1. 1-7