D.A.L. Leelamanie, Junko Nishiwaki. Water repellency in Japanese coniferous forest soils as affected by drying temperature and moisture. Biologia. 2019. 74. 2. 127-137
Dr. Doroemon’s Exciting Lecture “The Wonder of Soil” Let's think together! The Power of Soil against Radioactive Cesium What is “Cesium” and “Radiation”?
当方通信社 2020 ISBN:9784924508316
Effects of Soil Organic Matter on the Transport of Non Aqueous Phase Liquid in Soils, (Edited by Pedro A. Björklund and Frederick V. Mello, Soil Organic Matter: Ecology, Environmental Impact and Management)
Nova Science Publishers 2012 ISBN:9781621003991
理工図書 2011 ISBN:9784844607823
講演・口頭発表等 (69件):
土壌耕盤の存在と土壌物理性、CO2 ガス動態
(第72回農業農村工学会関東支部大会 2021)
A Ten-Year Support to Restore Everyday Life after Forced Evacuation Due to the Radioactive Fallout in Iitate, Fukushima
(2021 ASA-CSSA-SSSA meetings 2021)
British Society of Soil Science
, 日本土壌肥料学会
, Soil Science Society of America
, 日本地球惑星科学連合
, 農業農村工学会
, 土壌物理学会
, JSCE 公益社団法人 土木学会
, (NPO)日本地質汚染審査機構
, 日本地下水学会