Takahiro Bando, Tsubasa Ito, Hayate Wakisaka, Yuki Miyahara, Takeshi Aizawa, Toru Harigai, Hirofumi Takikawa, Motohisa Hiratsuka, Shiro Maki. Statistical analysis of cloud layers and solar irradiations for all seasons in Toyohashi city, Japan. Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. 2023. 8. 18-18
須田 善行, 大池 郁弥, 岸田 和樹, 針谷 達, 谷本 壮, 滝川 浩史, 手老 龍吾. 長寿命ならびに短寿命活性種の測定に基づいた支持脂質二重膜の欠陥導入機構の検討-Investigation of defect formation mechanism of supported lipid bilayer based on the measurement of long- and short-lifetime reactive species-放電 プラズマ・パルスパワー合同研究会 プラズマ・パルスパワー・放電一般. 電気学会研究会資料. ED = The papers of technical meeting on electrical discharges, IEE Japan / 放電研究会 [編]. 2018. 2018. 27-38・40・41. 9-14