- 2008 - "The Bekker-Reece-Radforth Award" from ISTVS (International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems)
- 2008 - "The Bekker-Reece-Radforth Award" from ISTVS (International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems)
- 2003 - Best Paper Award from Tire Society, Prediction of Snow / Tire Interaction Using Explicit FEM and FVM
- 2003 - Best Paper Award from Tire Society, Prediction of Snow / Tire Interaction Using Explicit FEM and FVM
- 2000 - 第12回ゴム協会賞 from 日本ゴム協会, 最適化手法を用いた新しいタイヤ設計法の確立
- 2000 - Best Paper Award from FISITA, Hydroplaning Analysis by FEM and FVM : Effect of Tire Rolling and Tire Pattern on Hydroplaning
- 2000 - Best Paper Award from FISITA, Hydroplaning Analysis by FEM and FVM : Effect of Tire Rolling and Tire Pattern on Hydroplaning
- 1998 - Best Paper Award from Tire Society, Hydroplaning Analysis by FEM and FVM : Effect of Tire Rolling and Tire Pattern on Hydroplaning
- 1998 - Best Paper Award from Tire Society, Hydroplaning Analysis by FEM and FVM : Effect of Tire Rolling and Tire Pattern on Hydroplaning
- 1997 - Best Paper Award from Tire Society, Theory of Optimum Tire Contour and Its Application
- 1997 - Best Paper Award from Tire Society, Theory of Optimum Tire Contour and Its Application
, ゴム製品性能評価研究分科会
, 委員(最適解析に基づく構造の知能化に関する研究分科会)
, P-SC234委員会
, 振動騒音部門委員会
, 日本自動車技術会
, 日本計算工学会
, International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems
, 優秀論文賞選定委員会
, 編集委員
, 日本ゴム協会誌
, ゴム技術進歩賞委員会
, 委員(次世代設計・製造法を可能とするCAD/CAM/CAE/モデル化技術に関する調査研究分科会)
, RC188委員会
, 日本機械学会
, 委員
, 力学的性質分科会
, 理事
, テラメカニクス研究会
, ゴム製品設計力学研究分科会
, associate editor of Tire Science and Technology
, Tire Society
, 副主査
, ゴムの力学研究分科会
, 日本ゴム協会
, International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems
, associate editor of Tire Science and Technology
, Tire Society