Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2018 - 2021 Who is to be singled out as the principal actor of a crime of aggression ? - From the viewpoint of "Control Theory" used by the International Criminal Court
2011 - 2014 「国際刑事裁判所規程の侵略犯罪関連規定の総合的研究」
1997 - 国際犯罪
Papers (7):
Masaki KIhara. A Historical Survey of Aggression as an International Crime. 2019. 47. 4. 115-132
Seeking Proper Requirements for Punishing Principals in the International Criminal Court : the Necessary Limitation of the Control-Theory. 2015. 113. 4. 544-568
Taiko Ando, Individual Responsibility and State Responsibility in International Criminal Law. 2013. 111. 4. 680-684