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J-GLOBAL Service Terms of Use
J-GLOBAL is an information service managed by Japan Science and Technology Agency (hereinafter referred to as “JST”).
A person, who uses J-GLOBAL and the functions of MyJ-GLOBAL (hereinafter referred toas “User”), is deemed to agree to these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as “Terms”). Before using the service, please read them carefully. In addition, except as otherwise indicated,User may use view any information provided via J-GLOBAL (hereinafter referred to as “Information”) in accordance with and to the extent that specified in Terms.
When using the other services of J-GLOBAL, User shall follow each service’s terms of use in addition to this Term.
1. Purpose of J-GLOBAL
JST operates J-GLOBAL for the purpose “promotion of scientific and technological information distribution. ” J-GLOBAL allows User to view scientific and technological information.
2. Functions of MyJ-GLOBAL
2-1. The functions of MyJ-GLOBAL (hereinafter referred to as “Functions”) allow User to customize J-GLOBAL service by adding alert and clip functions. To use Functions, User is required to sign up for MyJ-GLOBAL.
2-2. Only User, who registers for J-GLOBAL and provides appropriate information via J-GLOBAL’s registration site (hereinafter referred to as “Site”), is accessible to full set of information such as the abstracts of medical literatures.
3. Registration of MyJ-GLOBAL
3-1. User must first register for J-GLOBAL via Site and create an account. The account must include information such as such as an e-mail address, affiliation of institution(s) etc.
3-2. When finishing to register e-mail address, User is deemed to use Function.
3-3. When registering, User shall input the personal information properly. Registration by other than User is not allowed.
3-4. After the registration, User shall update the registered information immediately in the event any changes of the information occur.
3-5. User shall use to the extent of personal use and shall not to furnish, lend to any third party or to destroy.
4. Use of Information
4-1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Copyright Law, User may only view Information, in whole or in part, and User may not use or utilize Information, including but not limited to, to input Information into any generative artificial intelligence tool, except as otherwise indicated.
4-2. User shall not take the following act beyond the extent specified in Terms, except where JST permits.
(1) Duplication, reproduction, adaptation, translation, and public transmission, including act put in place for automatic transmission, of Information, in whole or in part.
(2) Furnishing, distributing, lending, transferring, redelivering Information, in whole or in part, to a third party or destroying Information, regardless of whether or not compensation is received, or medium.
(3) Preserving Information or its cache, in a machine-readable state, in a server that a third party can access to.
(4) Downloading Information with unreasonable quantities by mechanical means.
(5) Receiving compensation by using or providing Information.
5. Prohibitions
5-1. Regarding the use of J-GLOBAL, JST prohibits any and all of the following actions.
(1) Infringement or suspected infringement of intellectual property rights, privacy, or other right of a third party by use of J-GLOBAL.
(2) Using J-GLOBAL in a manner or with a method that violates any law, cabinet order, regulation, ordinance, or other provision or the like established by either the national government or JST.
(3) Actions with a possibility to potentially impair JST’s provision of J-GLOBAL and/or other services.
(4) Actions deviating from the purpose stated in “1. Purpose of J-GLOBAL.
(5) Actions giving inconvenience or disadvantage to the third party by using J-GLOBAL.
(6) In addition to the preceding paragraph, any other actions deemed by JST to be inappropriate with regards to use of J-GLOBAL.
5-2. With regards to the use of JST-provided information by a user, JST prohibits any and all of the following actions.
(1) Actions that entails the use of JST-provided information to harm another party or cause distress, disadvantage or the like through slander or a sullying of that party’s honor or reputation.
(2) Removal, concealment or modification to any indication of patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights or other intellectual property rights displayed or contained within any JSTprovided information.
6. Collection and Treatment of Information
6-1. JST is entitled to record User’s information in the form of access log. The information includes a domain name, an IP address, type of browsers, and access date, but not include information identifying an individual.
6-2. The access log is used to monitor status of utilization, to improve J-GLOBAL’s service by analyzing statistically, or to address excessive and unfair use, or fault recovery. The access log may be used for the purpose of improving JST’s other services, policy making regarding science and technology, and research, however, it may not be used other than the purpose specified above.
6-3. JST may obtain User’s Cookie for monitoring status of utilization and for effective information distribution. The Cookie is used to identify a computer for authenticate User, but it does not include information identifying an individual.
6-4. User is entitled to deny use of Cookie by altering settings of browsers. To change the setting regarding Cookie, access a “Help” page of each browser. If User denies Cookie by changing settings, User may become inaccessible to J-Global service, in whole or in part, because J-GLOBAL implements other internet services.
6-5. JST conducts web analytics with the web analytics tool (hereinafter referred to as “Google Analytics”) provided by Google LLC. Google Analytics collects the data on access to J-GLOBAL’s website, but the data does not include information identifying an individual, or it does not associate User’s personal information. The result of the analysis is used in the extent of the purpose specified in 6-2 hereof.
6-6. Collected data by using Google Analytics is administered in accordance with the privacy policy of Google LLC. For the detail information, access Google’s website.
・Google Analytics: https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/us/
・Google Privacy Policy: http://www.google.co.jp/intl/en/policies/privacy/
6-7. User is entitled to cease to provide the data, used for web analytics by means of Google Analytics. To cease to provide the data, download and install “Google Analytics Opt-out addon” provided by Google LLC.
・Google Analytics Opt-out add-on: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=ja
6-8. JST may disclose the collected information, to a necessary extent, to institutions (operation companies, etc.) which are involved in the operation of J-GLOBAL and JST services other than J-GLOBAL only for the purpose of use within “6-2”. Apart from the above, the collected information will not be used for any other purpose or be provided to a third party except where disclosure is required by law or due to some illegal acts such as unauthorized access or interference, etc. However, the collected information may be disclosed after being statistically processed.
6-9. JST will take necessary measures to prevent divulgation, loss or damage of the collected information and to appropriately manage such information.
7. Suspension, Interruption or Termination of J-GLOBAL
7-1 If there is any reason such as maintenance, fault recovery etc., JST may put restrictions such as suspension or interruption of J-GLOBAL, in whole or in part, at any time.
7-2 If there is any compelling reason, JST may cease to provide J-GLOBAL at any time.
8. Remedy
8-1. If User breaches this Term, or when JST determines there is any reason to suspect breach of this Term, JST is entitled to cease to use J-GLOBAL including the cancellation of the registration for use of Function in addition to any other remedies.
8-2 User may not raise any objection to cease and cancelation of the registration for use of Function specified in 8-1 hereof, or disapproval of recovering the registration.
9. Surveys and Questionnaires
JST may ask User to cooperate with surveys or questionnaires on J-Global conducted by JST.
10. Personal Information
User is deemed to consent to the treatment of personal information in accordance with the following items:
(1) The personal information contained within the user registration information for the smooth and appropriate provision of J-GLOBAL and MyJ-GLOBAL in accordance with laws relating to the protection of personal information held by independent administrative agencies and in accordance with the JST privacy policy determined separately by JST.
(2) Upon taking protective measures, JST may entrust user’s personal information with external parties on managing and operating J-GLOBAL.
11. Intellectual Property Rights
11-1. Copyrights on JST provided information remain with the providers of such information, including JST.
11-2. All rights pertaining to J-GLOBAL, including edit rights for its overall layout/design and copyrights for any related systems, are the property of JST and/or parties designated by JST.
11-3. Intellectual property rights and all other rights relating to JST-provided information and to J-GLOBAL are not, by the usage of J-GLOBAL, transferred to the users and third parties.
12. Disclaimers
12-1. JST is not liable for any damages, either direct or indirect, that may result from or be somehow related to the user’s use of J-GLOBAL.
12-2. JST provides no assurance of the veracity of JST-provided information, nor of its accuracy, credibility, or utility. Also, JST provides no assurance of the operational continuity/stability of its provision of J-GLOBAL.
12-3. Advertisers have the whole responsibility of the advertisements on J-GLOBAL. Users shall make use of the advertisements with their own discretion and responsibility.
12-4. JST is not liable for any damages incurred by the user or a third party within any of the following categories.
(1) Any damages produced by an interruption, stoppage or conclusion of J-GLOBAL provision.
(2) Any damages resulting from the contents of JST-provided information or a lack of revision to such information.
(3) Any damages resulting from a fault/failure of J-GLOBAL system.
(4) Any damages resulting from advertisements posted on J-GLOBAL and the use of another site linked from advertisements.
(5) Any damages arising from user registration for MyJ-GLOBAL.
13. Changes to Terms of Use
13-1. If there is any reason to change Terms, JST is entitled to change Terms prior notice of its intention to change this Term. If changes to Terms occur, any notice shall be given on J-GLOBAL.
13-2. If User uses J-GLOBAL after changes to Terms occur, User is deemed to agree to the updated version of Terms.
14. Damages
14-1. User shall be liable for damage suffered by JST due to User’s failure.
14-2. Any claims or dispute between User and a third party, by using J-GLOBAL or JSTprovided information, shall be finally settled by User and a third party, and JST is not liable for the settlement between User and a third party.
15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court shall have primary exclusive jurisdiction with respect to any dispute between the user and JST regarding the use of J-GLOBAL service.
16. Language
The original of the Terms of Use is Japanese version. This translated version is only for the convenience of non-Japanese users. In the event of a conflict between the Japanese version and the translated version, the Japanese version shall prevail.
June 2010: It was enacted.
April 2015: It was revised.
March 2016: It was revised.
October 2018: It was revised.
August 2019: It was revised.
March 2020: It was revised.
November 2023: It was revised.
Japan Science and Technology Agency
J-GLOBAL Service Terms of Use
J-GLOBAL is an information service managed by Japan Science and Technology Agency (hereinafter referred to as “JST”).
A person, who uses J-GLOBAL and the functions of MyJ-GLOBAL (hereinafter referred toas “User”), is deemed to agree to these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as “Terms”). Before using the service, please read them carefully. In addition, except as otherwise indicated,User may use view any information provided via J-GLOBAL (hereinafter referred to as “Information”) in accordance with and to the extent that specified in Terms.
When using the other services of J-GLOBAL, User shall follow each service’s terms of use in addition to this Term.
1. Purpose of J-GLOBAL
JST operates J-GLOBAL for the purpose “promotion of scientific and technological information distribution. ” J-GLOBAL allows User to view scientific and technological information.
2. Functions of MyJ-GLOBAL
2-1. The functions of MyJ-GLOBAL (hereinafter referred to as “Functions”) allow User to customize J-GLOBAL service by adding alert and clip functions. To use Functions, User is required to sign up for MyJ-GLOBAL.
2-2. Only User, who registers for J-GLOBAL and provides appropriate information via J-GLOBAL’s registration site (hereinafter referred to as “Site”), is accessible to full set of information such as the abstracts of medical literatures.
3. Registration of MyJ-GLOBAL
3-1. User must first register for J-GLOBAL via Site and create an account. The account must include information such as such as an e-mail address, affiliation of institution(s) etc.
3-2. When finishing to register e-mail address, User is deemed to use Function.
3-3. When registering, User shall input the personal information properly. Registration by other than User is not allowed.
3-4. After the registration, User shall update the registered information immediately in the event any changes of the information occur.
3-5. User shall use to the extent of personal use and shall not to furnish, lend to any third party or to destroy.
4. Use of Information
4-1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Copyright Law, User may only view Information, in whole or in part, and User may not use or utilize Information, including but not limited to, to input Information into any generative artificial intelligence tool, except as otherwise indicated.
4-2. User shall not take the following act beyond the extent specified in Terms, except where JST permits.
(1) Duplication, reproduction, adaptation, translation, and public transmission, including act put in place for automatic transmission, of Information, in whole or in part.
(2) Furnishing, distributing, lending, transferring, redelivering Information, in whole or in part, to a third party or destroying Information, regardless of whether or not compensation is received, or medium.
(3) Preserving Information or its cache, in a machine-readable state, in a server that a third party can access to.
(4) Downloading Information with unreasonable quantities by mechanical means.
(5) Receiving compensation by using or providing Information.
5. Prohibitions
5-1. Regarding the use of J-GLOBAL, JST prohibits any and all of the following actions.
(1) Infringement or suspected infringement of intellectual property rights, privacy, or other right of a third party by use of J-GLOBAL.
(2) Using J-GLOBAL in a manner or with a method that violates any law, cabinet order, regulation, ordinance, or other provision or the like established by either the national government or JST.
(3) Actions with a possibility to potentially impair JST’s provision of J-GLOBAL and/or other services.
(4) Actions deviating from the purpose stated in “1. Purpose of J-GLOBAL.
(5) Actions giving inconvenience or disadvantage to the third party by using J-GLOBAL.
(6) In addition to the preceding paragraph, any other actions deemed by JST to be inappropriate with regards to use of J-GLOBAL.
5-2. With regards to the use of JST-provided information by a user, JST prohibits any and all of the following actions.
(1) Actions that entails the use of JST-provided information to harm another party or cause distress, disadvantage or the like through slander or a sullying of that party’s honor or reputation.
(2) Removal, concealment or modification to any indication of patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights or other intellectual property rights displayed or contained within any JSTprovided information.
6. Collection and Treatment of Information
6-1. JST is entitled to record User’s information in the form of access log. The information includes a domain name, an IP address, type of browsers, and access date, but not include information identifying an individual.
6-2. The access log is used to monitor status of utilization, to improve J-GLOBAL’s service by analyzing statistically, or to address excessive and unfair use, or fault recovery. The access log may be used for the purpose of improving JST’s other services, policy making regarding science and technology, and research, however, it may not be used other than the purpose specified above.
6-3. JST may obtain User’s Cookie for monitoring status of utilization and for effective information distribution. The Cookie is used to identify a computer for authenticate User, but it does not include information identifying an individual.
6-4. User is entitled to deny use of Cookie by altering settings of browsers. To change the setting regarding Cookie, access a “Help” page of each browser. If User denies Cookie by changing settings, User may become inaccessible to J-Global service, in whole or in part, because J-GLOBAL implements other internet services.
6-5. JST conducts web analytics with the web analytics tool (hereinafter referred to as “Google Analytics”) provided by Google LLC. Google Analytics collects the data on access to J-GLOBAL’s website, but the data does not include information identifying an individual, or it does not associate User’s personal information. The result of the analysis is used in the extent of the purpose specified in 6-2 hereof.
6-6. Collected data by using Google Analytics is administered in accordance with the privacy policy of Google LLC. For the detail information, access Google’s website.
・Google Analytics: https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/us/
・Google Privacy Policy: http://www.google.co.jp/intl/en/policies/privacy/
6-7. User is entitled to cease to provide the data, used for web analytics by means of Google Analytics. To cease to provide the data, download and install “Google Analytics Opt-out addon” provided by Google LLC.
・Google Analytics Opt-out add-on: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=ja
6-8. JST may disclose the collected information, to a necessary extent, to institutions (operation companies, etc.) which are involved in the operation of J-GLOBAL and JST services other than J-GLOBAL only for the purpose of use within “6-2”. Apart from the above, the collected information will not be used for any other purpose or be provided to a third party except where disclosure is required by law or due to some illegal acts such as unauthorized access or interference, etc. However, the collected information may be disclosed after being statistically processed.
6-9. JST will take necessary measures to prevent divulgation, loss or damage of the collected information and to appropriately manage such information.
7. Suspension, Interruption or Termination of J-GLOBAL
7-1 If there is any reason such as maintenance, fault recovery etc., JST may put restrictions such as suspension or interruption of J-GLOBAL, in whole or in part, at any time.
7-2 If there is any compelling reason, JST may cease to provide J-GLOBAL at any time.
8. Remedy
8-1. If User breaches this Term, or when JST determines there is any reason to suspect breach of this Term, JST is entitled to cease to use J-GLOBAL including the cancellation of the registration for use of Function in addition to any other remedies.
8-2 User may not raise any objection to cease and cancelation of the registration for use of Function specified in 8-1 hereof, or disapproval of recovering the registration.
9. Surveys and Questionnaires
JST may ask User to cooperate with surveys or questionnaires on J-Global conducted by JST.
10. Personal Information
User is deemed to consent to the treatment of personal information in accordance with the following items:
(1) The personal information contained within the user registration information for the smooth and appropriate provision of J-GLOBAL and MyJ-GLOBAL in accordance with laws relating to the protection of personal information held by independent administrative agencies and in accordance with the JST privacy policy determined separately by JST.
(2) Upon taking protective measures, JST may entrust user’s personal information with external parties on managing and operating J-GLOBAL.
11. Intellectual Property Rights
11-1. Copyrights on JST provided information remain with the providers of such information, including JST.
11-2. All rights pertaining to J-GLOBAL, including edit rights for its overall layout/design and copyrights for any related systems, are the property of JST and/or parties designated by JST.
11-3. Intellectual property rights and all other rights relating to JST-provided information and to J-GLOBAL are not, by the usage of J-GLOBAL, transferred to the users and third parties.
12. Disclaimers
12-1. JST is not liable for any damages, either direct or indirect, that may result from or be somehow related to the user’s use of J-GLOBAL.
12-2. JST provides no assurance of the veracity of JST-provided information, nor of its accuracy, credibility, or utility. Also, JST provides no assurance of the operational continuity/stability of its provision of J-GLOBAL.
12-3. Advertisers have the whole responsibility of the advertisements on J-GLOBAL. Users shall make use of the advertisements with their own discretion and responsibility.
12-4. JST is not liable for any damages incurred by the user or a third party within any of the following categories.
(1) Any damages produced by an interruption, stoppage or conclusion of J-GLOBAL provision.
(2) Any damages resulting from the contents of JST-provided information or a lack of revision to such information.
(3) Any damages resulting from a fault/failure of J-GLOBAL system.
(4) Any damages resulting from advertisements posted on J-GLOBAL and the use of another site linked from advertisements.
(5) Any damages arising from user registration for MyJ-GLOBAL.
13. Changes to Terms of Use
13-1. If there is any reason to change Terms, JST is entitled to change Terms prior notice of its intention to change this Term. If changes to Terms occur, any notice shall be given on J-GLOBAL.
13-2. If User uses J-GLOBAL after changes to Terms occur, User is deemed to agree to the updated version of Terms.
14. Damages
14-1. User shall be liable for damage suffered by JST due to User’s failure.
14-2. Any claims or dispute between User and a third party, by using J-GLOBAL or JSTprovided information, shall be finally settled by User and a third party, and JST is not liable for the settlement between User and a third party.
15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court shall have primary exclusive jurisdiction with respect to any dispute between the user and JST regarding the use of J-GLOBAL service.
16. Language
The original of the Terms of Use is Japanese version. This translated version is only for the convenience of non-Japanese users. In the event of a conflict between the Japanese version and the translated version, the Japanese version shall prevail.
June 2010: It was enacted.
April 2015: It was revised.
March 2016: It was revised.
October 2018: It was revised.
August 2019: It was revised.
March 2020: It was revised.
November 2023: It was revised.
Japan Science and Technology Agency