日本語 Help

Link policy

Link policy

You are free to link to J-GLOBAL except in the following cases:

  • A provider of information posted on the website has requested that the link be removed;
  • The link is from a website containing contents that may offend public order or be considered as morally offensive;
  • Linking may cause mis-understanding concerning JST’s activities;
  • Any use that may damage the image and/or reputation of JST; any linking that would or potentially could infringe upon the rights of a specific individual and/or organization;
  • Links which give the appearance that contents or information released through the site are a part of the third-party website (For instance, in the case where the whole or a part of a page of this site is linked through a frame or inline frame.)

Links for commercial purposes need JST’s approval in advance.
Also, when linking to assorted pages on J-GLOBAL, please provide source information that clearly indicates that each page is a J-GLOBAL page.
Similarly, when citing a URL (or J-GLOBAL ID) for a destination page, please provide source information that clearly indicates that the page is a J-GLOBAL page URL (or J-GLOBAL ID).
It is not permitted to display “J-GLOBAL” within a frame (this restriction does not apply to a display by API).
Please feel free to use the following banner for your link:

Note that we may (and sometimes do) change the URL of a J-GLOBAL page without notification.


※Priority of the Link Policy
The authentic text of the Link Policy is Japanese. This English translation is only for the convenience of non-Japanese users. In the event of a conflict between the Japanese and English texts, the Japanese text will prevail.


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