For detailed registered information, click here.
The researcher information in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap by the researchers themselves or by their affiliated institutions. It’s not data researched on the web or in articles and registered independently by JST. If the information has not been updated, it may be out of date.
Changes and deletions:
Researchers who wish to change or delete registered researcher information can do so in researchmap using their ID and password. If you don’t know your ID and password, enquire using the researchmap enquiry form. If there’s incorrect information, contact the researcher directly.
Registering new information:
Researchers can register new researcher information from the researchmap registration page. If you don’t know how to register information, enquire using the researchmap enquiry form.
Timing of information updates:
Information updated in researchmap is reflected in J-GLOBAL within three working days. This may be delayed one day due to progress in the updating procedure.
About the display of researcher information in J-GLOBAL:
The relationship between the items displayed in J-GLOBAL and researchmap
researchmap | J-GLOBAL |
Last updated | researchmap Last update |
Name(Japanese) | name(Japanese) |
Name(English) | name(English) |
– | name(Japanese kana) |
Alternative names | – |
Nickname | – |
– | |
Mobile mail | – |
Alternative mail address | – |
URL | Homepage URL(※1) |
Sex | – |
Birth date | – |
Affiliation | Affiliation and department name |
Section | Affiliation and department name |
Job title | Job title |
Degree | Degree |
Other affiliation | Other affiliations |
Research funding number | – |
Twitter ID | – |
Google Analytics | – |
ORCID ID | – |
Profile | – |
Research Interests | Research keywords |
Research Areas | Research field |
Academic & Professional Experience | Work History |
Education | Education |
Committee Memberships | Committee Memberships |
Awards & Honors | Awards |
Published Papers | Papers |
Misc | MISC |
Books etc | Books |
Conference Activities & Talks | Lectures and oral presentations |
Teaching Experience | – |
Association Memberships | Affiliated academic societies |
Works | Others |
Research Grants & Projects | Research theme for competitive and other funds |
Patents | Patents |
Social Contributuion | – |
Others | – |
(*1) The Home Page URL field in J-GLOBAL shows the URLs registered in the respective Japanese and English pages of researchmap.
●If an email address is registered in researchmap and “Receive information by email”is checked, the “Contact researcher” button in J-GLOBAL is displayed.
●Neither gender nor date of birth are displayed in J-GLOBAL or researchmap.
J-GLOBAL provides bibliographical information for article (papers, magazine articles, and so on) databases concerning science and technology prepared by JST. For details of summaries and index information, see About J-GLOBAL – Information available. Please note that we do not provide the original text on the web due to copyright (however, in some cases the original text is available on external linked sites).
Amending, deleting and registering new content
In principle we don’t accept requests to delete article information with correct content, but if an article is withdrawn or there’s some other particular reason, please send mail using “Contact us” after checking with the copyright holder (association, publisher etc.).
In addition, the name of the institution, author and so on are given in the format of the original text at the time of publication. We don’t accept revisions of the existing notation. In addition, regarding old article information (particularly documents issued around 1975 to 1980), the online environment when they were created was severely restricted, and there’s a lot of hiragana notation instead of kanji in the outlines and author names.
Furthermore, when publishing new article in the database from the science and technology documents collected by JST, certain standards must be met, so we don’t publish article information according to the wishes of researchers themselves. If you have any other requests, please contact us using “Contact us”.
In addition to the bibliography information, a database of summaries and index information is provided in JDream (a paid service).
The Japan Patent Office publishes bibliographies of patent documents. Full text information is published on the patent information platform. JST doesn’t edit any of this data independently. If any of the data is incorrect, please contact us through Patent information platform.
4.Research Project
J-GLOBAL research project information is the main research subjects implemented by JST or provided by research institutions. If the information hasn’t been updated by the research institution, it may be out of date.
Amending, deleting and registering new content
We’re not currently accepting changes to information or registration of new information. For deletions, please contact us using “Contact us”.
Currently, J-GLOBAL has the following three types of organization information.
(1)Institution name dictionary data (including private enterprises and so on)
Only the institution name is registered since an alias is used when searching with an institution name, and no address and other data is entered.
(2)uSonar Co. institution information
Information collected and archived independently by uSonar Co.
Amending, deleting and registering new content
If any of the data is incorrect, please contact us through uSonar Co.
6.Technical Term
This holds the Science and Technology Thesaurus and Large-scale science and technological dictionary created by JST, and the Sciterm online scientific terms. In addition, the synonym information provided includes words from Wikipedia.
(1)Science and Technology Thesaurus and Large-scale Science and Technological Dictionary
JST makes dictionaries based on scientific and technological terms that appear in articles and patents, which are collected in the Science and Technology Thesaurus, and Large-scale science and technological dictionary, with concepts like higher and lower-order terms. We don’t regularly register, delete or modify the terms based on user opinions, but if you have any advice and so on, please contact us using “Contact us”.
(2)Sciterm online scientific terms
A collection of scientific terms compiled by the various academic associations of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
The copyright holders of each section are as follows.
※Japanese text only.
編名 | 著作権者 |
数学編 | 文部科学省 |
採鉱ヤ金学編 | 文部科学省 |
船舶工学編 | 文部科学省 |
キリスト教学編 | 文部科学省 |
航空工学編 | 文部科学省 |
計測工学編 | 文部科学省 |
地震学編 | 文部科学省 |
原子力工学編 | 文部科学省 |
海洋学編 | 文部科学省 |
地理学編 | 文部科学省 |
地学編 | 文部科学省 |
心理学編 | 文部科学省、日本心理学会 |
気象学編(増訂版) | 文部科学省、日本気象学会 |
動物学編(増訂版) | 文部科学省、日本動物学会 |
植物学編(増訂版) | 文部科学省、日本植物学会 |
物理学編(増訂版) | 文部科学省、日本物理学会 |
土木工学編(増訂版) | 文部科学省、土木学会 |
建築学編(増訂版) | 文部科学省、日本建築学会 |
遺伝学編(増訂版) | 文部科学省、日本遺伝学会 |
天文学編(増訂版) | 文部科学省、日本天文学会 |
言語学編 | 文部科学省、日本言語学会、日本英語学会 |
分光学編(増訂版) | 文部科学省、日本分光学会 |
化学編 | 文部科学省、日本化学会 |
論理学編 | 文部科学省 |
7.Chemical Substance
This contains chemicals registered in the Japan Chemical Substance Dictionary created by JST. Organic compounds with fixed structure and their compounds qualify for inclusion, and it contains their names in Japanese and English, legal number, CAS registration number, structural information and so on. The start of the Nikkaji registry was in 1986.The registry system of Nikkaji was established by improving the “Study on the utilization upgrading of compound information based on shared network”, which was the Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology project of the Science and Technology Agency conducted between FY1981 and FY1986.
The data sources are as follows.
(1)Initial data
(2)Updated data
At present, the data registry of Nikkaji is produced simultaneously with the indexing of thematic substances in the article*, and the data are replaced everyday (on an as-needed basis).
When a new substance is indexed, this substance is newly registered in Nikkaji. When a conventionally registered substance is indexed with a new name, the new name is added to Nikkaji.
And, the law regulation numbers that have been notified in the official gazettes are recorded on an as-needed basis.
* The ” article ” means the article included in JSTPlus file (science and technology article file) and JMEDPlus file (Japan medical article file).
We don’t regularly register, delete or modify the chemical substances based on user opinions, but if you have any advice and so on, please contact us using “Contact us”.
It contains information archived by JST. In principle, we don’t modify the data based on user opinions, but if you have any advice and so on, please contact us using “Contact us”.
9.Research Resource
J-GLOBAL research resources comprises items provided by research institutions, and the Integbio database catalog administered by the Japan Science and Technology Agency National Bioscience Database Center (NBDC).
Amending, deleting and registering new content
We aren’t currently updating information provided by research institutions, so we don’t accept applications to modify information or register new information. For deletions, please contact us using “Contact us”. Please enquire here about the Integbio database catalog.
* Research resources are material and immaterial resources held by research institutions deemed to support research activities directly or indirectly, which can be used by external researchers.