2019 - 2022 Universal specifications in clothing design to extend healthy life expectancy in a super-aging society: Using physiological measurement data as an indicator
2018 - 2022 Effects of central and peripheral fatigue on muscle output regulation and circulatory regulation during exercise in a hot environment
2015 - 2018 Development of the device which simulates infant's perspiration and sweating -For constructing baby sweating thermal manikin in the future-
2016 - 2017 暑熱環境の違いが運動時のヒト認知機能に及ぼす影響
2015 - 2016 暑熱環境下における聴覚情報処理および高次認知機能の評価
2012 - 2015 Development of the preventive medical clothes based upon spurious thermal sensation
2011 - 2014 Evaluation of physiological responses during thermal stimuli: For development of advanced wear(s)
2006 - 2012 Neural and non-neural modulators of skin blood flow and sweating in humans.
2009 - 2011 Orthostatic tolerance and blood flow during a heat stress
2008 - 2011 Elucidation of the aging process of human heat adaptability and strategies for delaying it
2008 - 2009 妊娠・授乳期の健康管理ポータブルデバイスの開発
2007 - 2008 暑熱環境下における運動時の循環・体温・体液調節の相互作用に関する研究
2005 - 2007 暑熱環境下における起立性ストレス時の皮膚血管調節
2003 - 2006 The Study on Thermal Environment for Elderly and Cold Proof Person-Study on Physiological Responses on Daily Life Using Heater and Cooler-
2003 - 2005 入眠を促進する足踵温度コントロール-湯たんぽの効果を生理学的に見直す-
2002 - 2004 動的運動初期の体温調節反応に関与する筋からの求心性入力
2001 - 2002 異なる被服圧が有酸素運動能力に及ぼす影響
2000 - 2002 Integration of measurement techniques for human adaptability
2000 - 2002 運動時の発汗神経活動における非温熱要因の影響
2000 - 2001 マイクロダイアリシスを用いた発汗機能の評価
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Papers (110):
Yasuhisa Fujita, Yoshi-ichiro Kamijo, Tokio Kinoshita, Takamasa Hashizaki, Kouta Murai, Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Yasunori Umemoto, Chikako Kaminaka, Manabu Shibasaki, Fumihiro Tajima, et al. Observations of cold-induced vasodilation in persons with spinal cord injuries. Spinal Cord. 2024. 62. 4. 170-177
Keiko Yamamoto, Minami Hirai, Manabu Shibasaki. The effects of the differences in motor tasks on cerebral hemodynamics at the start of exercise. Jpn. J. Biometeor. 2023. 60. 1. 23-30
Hiroki Nakata, Ryusuke Kakigi, Hiroko Kubo, Manabu Shibasaki. Effects of hypocapnia and hypercapnia on human somatosensory processing. Neuroscience Research. 2023. 190. 29-35
Yu Aoki, Manabu Shibasaki, Hiroki Nakata. Synesthesia has specific cognitive processing during Go/No-go paradigms. Scientific Reports. 2023. 13. 1
Tomonori Nakata, Manabu Shibasaki, Yukihide Nishimura, Tokio Kinoshita, Takamasa Hashizaki, Yoshi-ichiro Kamijo, Ken Kouda, Yasunori Umemoto, Fumihiro Tajima. Quantification of catecholamine neurotransmitters released from cutaneous vasoconstrictor nerve endings in men with cervical spinal cord injury. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 2023. 324. 3. R345-R352
Keiko Yamamoto, Madoka Nomura, Minami Hirai, Hiroko Kubo, Manabu Shibasaki. Effect Of Exercise Strategy On Brain Activity At The Start Of Exercise. MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE. 2022. 54. 9. 556-556
Shigehiko Ogoh, Hiroaki Nakata, Tadayoshi Miyamoto, Manabu Shibasaki. Cognitive Task Impairs Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation During Normoxia And Hypoxia. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 2017. 49. 5. 65-65
Manabu Shibasaki, Shigehiko Ogoh, Tadayoshi Miyamoto, Hiroki Nakata. Human Cognitive Function During Acute Hypoxic Exposure. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 2017. 49. 5. 241-241
Manabu Shibasaki, Shigehiko Ogoh, Tadayoshi Miyamoto, Hiroki Nakata. Human Cognitive Function During Acute Hypoxic Exposure. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 2015. 47. 5. 241-241