Kazuhiro Shidara, Hiroki Tanaka, Hiroyoshi Adachi, Daisuke Kanayama, Takashi Kudo, Satoshi Nakamura. Adapting the Number of Questions Based on Detected Psychological Distress for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With an Embodied Conversational Agent: Comparative Study. JMIR Formative Research. 2024. 8. e50056-e50056
設樂一碩, 田中宏季, 足立浩祥, 金山大祐, 阪上由香子, 工藤喬, 中村哲. An Analysis of Questions to Evaluate an Automatic Thought in Cognitive Behavior Therapy with a Virtual Agent. 人工知能学会全国大会(Web). 2022. 36th
工藤喬. ウィズコロナの産業精神保健. 産業精神保健. 2021. 29. 3. 191-193
設樂一碩, 田中宏季, 足立浩祥, 金山大祐, 阪上由香子, 工藤喬, 中村哲. Identification of Automatic Thoughts in Cognitive Restructuring with a Virtual Agent. 人工知能学会全国大会(Web). 2021. 35th
Practical Pharmacology for Alzheimer’s Disease
Springer 2016
100 Papers Selection ANNUAL REPORT OF OSAKA UNIVERSITY-Academic Achievement-/2007-2008
Osaka University 2009
Biological markers for differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders
Neuroscientific Basis of Dementia Birkhauser Verlag Basel 2001
Impairment of response to ER stress in presenilin 1 mutant
Neuroscientific Basis of Dementia Birkhauser Verlag Basel 2001
Biological markers for differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders
Neuroscientific Basis of Dementia Birkhauser Verlag Basel 2001
Pathological significance of neuron-derived EVs in Alzheimer's disease and its potential as biomarkers
(The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2020)
Education (4):
- 1991 Osaka University
- 1991 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Medicine
- 1986 Osaka Medical College Faculty of Medicine Division of Medicine
- 1986 Osaka Medical College Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
(BLANK) (Osaka University)
Work history (8):
2013 - 現在 大阪大学キャンパスライフ健康支援センター 教授
2001 - 2013 Osaka University
2000 - 2001 : 大阪大学 講師
2000 - 2001 : Osaka University, Instructor
1995 - 2000 : 大阪大学 助手
1995 - 2000 : Osaka University, Research Assistant
1991 - 1993 : ニューヨーク州立発達障害基礎研究所 研究員
1991 - 1993 : New York State Institute for Basic Research, Research Fellow
Show all
Committee career (4):
- 現在 日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会 監事
- 現在 日本神経化学会 理事
- 現在 日本老年精神医学会 理事
- 現在 日本精神神経学会 代議員
Association Membership(s) (8):
, Japanese Society of Mood Disorders
, Society of Neuroscience
, 日本神経化学会
, 日本老年精神医学会
, 日本精神神経学会