J-GLOBAL ID:200901002071861822
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Takeshige Fumio
タケシゲ フミオ | Takeshige Fumio
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (2):
Community dentistry
, Conservative dentistry and endodontics
Research keywords (6):
, デュアルキュア型レンジセメント
, 歯科用コンポジットレンジ
, Duability
, Dual-Curalle Resin Cement
, Dental Lemposite
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7): MISC (201): - Yukiteru Iwami, Norifumi Hayashi, Fumio Takeshige, Shigeyuki Ebisu. Relationship between the color of carious dentin with varying lesion activity, and bacterial detection. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2008. 36. 2. 143-151
口と歯の事典. 朝倉書店. 2008
- Yukiteru Iwami, Norifumi Hayashi, Hiroko Yamamoto, Mikako Hayashi, Fumio Takeshige, Shigeyuki Ebisu. Evaluating the objectivity of caries removal with a caries detector dye using color evaluation and PCR. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2007. 35. 9. 749-754
- Yukiteru Iwami, Mikako Hayashi, Fumio Takeshige, Shigeyuki Ebisu. The accuracy of electrical method for microleakage evaluation by a three-dimensional analysis. Journal of Dentistry. 2007. 35. 3. 268-274
- Yukiteru Iwami, Mikako Hayashi, Fumio Takeshige, Shigeyuki Ebisu. The accuracy of electrical method for microleakage evaluation by a three-dimensional analysis. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2007. 35. 3. 268-274
more... Books (4): - Modern Trends in Adhesive Dentistry, Proceedings of the Adhesive Dentistry Forum '99 in Tsurumi, Yokohama, Cytotoxic effects of self-etching/priming adhesive systems on human pulpal cells.
Kuraray Co., Ltd. 2000
- 保存修復学(第4版)(共著)
医歯薬出版 2000
- Modern Trends in Adhesive Dentistry, Proceedings of the Adhesive Dentistry Forum '99 in Tsurumi, Yokohama, Cytotoxic effects of self-etching/priming adhesive systems on human pulpal cells.
Kuraray Co., Ltd. 2000
- Operative Dentistry (The 4th Edition)
Ishiyaku Publisher 2000
Works (6): -
2009 -
2008 -
2007 -
2004 -
2004 -
more... Education (4): - - 1985 Osaka University School of Dentistry School of Dentistry
- - 1985 Osaka University Faculty of Dentistry
- - 1976 The University of Tokyo
- - 1976 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Engineering
Professional career (1): Work history (1): Committee career (1): Awards (1): - 2009 - 日本歯科医学教育学会教育システム開発賞
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本歯科保存学会
, 大阪大学歯学会
, 日本接着歯学会
, 日本歯科理工学会
, 国際歯科研究学会(International Association for Dental Research)
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