Shinji Mizuno, Noboru Narukawa, Harumi Uto-Kondo, Yusuke Kamiyoshihara, Akira Tateishi, Satoshi Kubota, Fumie Shinmachi and Keiichi Watanabe. Anthocyanin pigments and quality of the deep red strawberry cultivar 'Shinku-no-misuzu'. Horticultural research (Japan). 2021. 20. 1. 109-115
SHINMACHI, Fumie・NAKAMURA, Hayato・MIZUNO, Shinji・KOTANI, Koji・WATANABE, Keiichi and KOJIMA, Hitoshi. Research on tissue culture of the seaside plant Littoralis(Glehia littoralis F. Schmidt) and improvement of germination rate by surface sterilization. 日本緑化工学会誌. 2019. 45. 1. 240-243
How High is the Sulfur Content of Japanese Heirloom Vegetables of the Brassicaceae Family?
(Joint meeting for plant and human sulfur biology and glucosionlates 2021)