J-GLOBAL ID:200901002621315049
Update date: Feb. 10, 2025 Igarashi Hirohisa
イガラシ ヒロヒサ | Igarashi Hirohisa
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Other affiliations (1): Research field (2):
Literature - British/English-languag
, Literature - European
Research keywords (3):
Shakespeare and Education
, Shakespeare in the 18th century
, Shakespeare and Law
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2015 - 2018 18世紀における「真正のシェイクスピア」の創成とその本文編纂史への影響
- 2012 - Comic Madness, or Tragic Mystery That is the Question
- 2008 - 2009 An Investigation of the Clownish Aspects of Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes
- Shakespeare Studies
Papers (36): -
五十嵐博久. 書 評:山田昭廣著『シェイクスピアはどのようにしてシェイクスピアとなったか--版本の扉が語る1700 年までのイギリス演劇』名古屋大学出版会 2023 年 vii + 513 pp. 英文學研究. 2024. 101. 55-59
Hirohisa Igarashi. The Reader’s Changing Awareness of 'Shakespeare' in the Market of Playbooks from 1598 to 1623. HAKUSAN ENGLISH STUDIES. 2024. 49. 1-28
Hirohisa Igarashi. A Japanese Translation: Nicholas Rowe's Original ‘Some Account of the Life, & c. of Mr. William Shakespear’ (1709) Compared with its Later Version Edited by Alexander Pope (1725). HAKUSAN ENGLISH STUDIES. 2023. 48. 1-23
Hirohisa Igarashi. When Did Shakespeare's Plays Become "Literature"?. Romazi no Nippon. 2021. 673. 20-22
Hirohisa Igarashi. The Power and Equity in Measure for Measure. 2021. 61-82
more... MISC (13): -
Yuusuke Morii, Miki Nakamura, Hirohisa Igarashi, Jessica Chiba, Emiko Danno. Seminar 1: Shakespeare and Law (Organiser / Chair). The 58th General Meeting of Shakespeare Society of Japan. 5-6 October 2019. Venue: Kagoshima International University. 2019
Adele Lee, Sarah Olive, Rosalind Fielding, Kohei Uchimaru. Panel: Shakespeare in East Asian Education (Chair). The British Shakespeare Association Conference 2019: Shakespeare, Race and Nation. 17-20 July 2019. (Venue: Swansea University). 2019
OLIVE, Sarah, IGARASHI, Hirohisa. Shakespeare Education in Japan for the New Era(Organiser / Chair). Venue: Toyo University (Hakusan). 2019
IGARASHI, Hirohisa. Review of Sae Kitamura, Sheikusupiageki o Tanoshinda Joseitachi: Kinse no Kangeki to Dokusho Hakusuisha: 2018. New Perspective. 2019. 49. 2. 62-63
The 16th (Autumn 2018) Conference English Literary Society of Japan Kanto District Chapter (Chair). 2018
more... Books (10): - シェイクスピアとの往還 : 日本シェイクスピア協会創立六〇周年記念論集
研究社 2021 ISBN:9784327472375
- The First Folio of Shakespeare
Suiseisha 2020 ISBN:9784801005242
- カズオ・イシグロの視線 : 記憶・想像・郷愁
作品社 2018 ISBN:9784861827105
- シェイクスピアの作品研究 : 戯曲と詩、音楽
英宝社 2016 ISBN:9784269721401
- Improving your English Literacy for Liberal Arts
Kazama Shobo 2016 ISBN:9784759921304
more... Lectures and oral presentations (46): -
The Unfortunate Circumstances surrounding the Construction of the Author ‘Shakespeare’ and of the Selection of 'His' Works included in the First Folio.
How did Hamlet become a difficult character to play?
Book Review: Heidi Craig, Theatre Closure and the Paradoxical Rise of English Renaissance Drama in the Civil Wars (Cambridge UP, 2023)
(Kansai Shakespeare Study Circle 2024)
Some questions and answers regarding the First Folio of Shakespeare
(下井草図書館文学講座 2022)
more... Education (4): - - 2012 広島大学大学院文学研究科後期博士課程修了 博士(文学)取得
- - 1997 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Letters
- - 1995 Queen Mary College, University of London MA (Modern Languages, Literatures and Thought)
- - 1994 Ritsumeikan University College of Letters
Professional career (2): - Ph.D. (Hiroshima University)
- MA (Queen Mary, University of London)
Work history (7): - 2013/04 - 現在 Toyo University Faculty of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Department of Health and Nutritional Science Professor
- 2009/04 - 2013/03 Toyo University Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Applied Biosciences Assosicate Professor
- 2005/04 - 2009/03 Hiroshima Jogakuin University Department of English Studies, Faculty of Literature Assosicate Professor
- 2006/04 - 2007/03 University of Victoria Department of English, Faculty of Humanities Visiting Resercher
- 1999/04 - 2005/03 Hiroshima Jogakuin University Department of English Studies, Faculty of Literature Lecturer
- 1998/04 - 1999/03 Takamatsu National College of Technology Department of General Education Lecturer
- 1997/04 - 1998/03 Takamatsu National College of Technology Department of General Education Assintant Professor
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Committee career (3): - 2022/05 - 2025/03 The Shakespeare Society of Japan committee member
- 2022/01 - 2023/12 関西シェイクスピア研究会 世話人(シニア)
- 2018/04 - 2022/03 The Shakespeare Society of Japan Shakespeare Journal Editorial Commitee Member
Association Membership(s) (6):
International Shakespeare Conference(ISC)招待会員
, 関西シェイクスピア研究会
, British Shakespeare Association
, International Shakespeare Association
, 日本シェイクスピア協会
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