J-GLOBAL ID:200901003217633483
Update date: Jan. 24, 2025 Goto Susumu
ゴトウ ススム | Goto Susumu
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (3):
Biological, health, and medical informatics
, Molecular biology
, Intelligent informatics
Research keywords (2):
, Bioinformatics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9): - 2021 - 2023 Culturing strategies for uncultivated environmental microorganisms based on genome and medium information
- 2016 - 2021 Comprehensive, spatiotemporal study and applied research of carboxydotrophs
- 2014 - 2018 Evolutionary mechanism of antigenic variation genes
- 2005 - 2009 Analysis of Structure and Dynamics of Biological Information Networks
- 2006 - 2007 マラリア原虫Plasmodium falciarumの疾病立過程に関する研究
- 2000 - 2004 Construction and Retrieval of Highly Integrated Biological Databases
- 2000 - 2002 Development or order-mede type artificial restriction enzymes and artificial repressers
- 生体反応経路のための知識ベースに関する研究
- Study on Knowledge Base for Biomolecular Reaction Pathways
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Papers (119): -
Shujiro Okuda, Akiyasu C Yoshizawa, Daiki Kobayashi, Yushi Takahashi, Yu Watanabe, Yuki Moriya, Atsushi Hatano, Tomoyo Takami, Masaki Matsumoto, Norie Araki, et al. jPOST environment accelerates the reuse and reanalysis of public proteome mass spectrometry data. Nucleic Acids Research. 2024
池田 秀也, 千葉 啓和, 藤原 豊史, 五斗 進, 井手 隆広, 川島 秀一, 箕輪 真理, 三橋 信孝, 守屋 勇樹, 内藤 雄樹, et al. TogoID: データベース統合の基盤となるID変換サービス. トーゴーの日2022. 2022. 1
Shuya Ikeda, Hiromasa Ono, Tazro Ohta, Hirokazu Chiba, Yuki Naito, Yuki Moriya, Shuichi Kawashima, Yasunori Yamamoto, Shinobu Okamoto, Susumu Goto, et al. TogoID: an exploratory ID converter to bridge biological datasets. Bioinformatics. 2022
Aramaki T, Blanc-Mathieu R, Hisashi Endo, Ohkubo K, Kanehisa M, Goto S, Ogata H. KofamKOALA: KEGG Ortholog assignment based on profile HMM and adaptive score threshold. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 2020
Shuichi Kawashima, Toshiaki Katayama, Yuki Moriya, Shinobu Okamoto, Yasunori Yamamoto, Susumu Goto. Integrated Growth Media Database by Standardizing Ingredient Information. 2019. 165-166
more... MISC (37): - 吉沢明康, 内藤雄樹, 早川英介, 五斗進, 石濱泰. 配列タグを用いたタンパク質配列超高速検索システムの開発. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2019. 42nd
- 守屋勇樹, 田畑剛, 田畑剛, 岩崎未央, 河野信, 河野信, 五斗進, 石濱泰, 瀧川一学, 瀧川一学, et al. 深層学習を用いたペプチド由来質量分析イオンピークの検出法の開発. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2019. 42nd
Satoshi Tanaka, Masaki Murase, Tsuyoshi Takahashi, Masaki Kato, Maiko Kusano, Shin Kawano, Akiyasu C. Yoshizawa, Susumu Goto, Yasushi Ishihama. Mass++ ver.4: an open-source, quick and simple data viewer. American Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Conference. 2018. 66th
Akiyasu C. Yoshizawa, Tsuyoshi Tabata, Yuki Moriya, Shin Kawano, Shujiro Okuda, Yu Watanabe, Tadashi Yamamoto, Masaki Matsumoto, Tomoyo Takami, Daiki Kobayashi, et al. Controlling false discovery rate in accumulated public proteome dataset. American Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Conference. 2017. 65th. MP321
- 吉沢明康, 田畑剛, 守屋勇樹, 河野信, 奥田修二郎, 渡辺由, 山本格, 松本雅記, 高見知代, 小林大樹, et al. データベース検索エンジンを用いたタンパク質同定における特異性向上. 質量分析総合討論会講演要旨集. 2017. 65th. 107
more... Books (2): - ヒューマンゲノム計画(共著)
共立出版株式会社, 1997
- A systematic analysis of gene functions by the metabolic pathway database(共著)
Theoretical and Computational Methods in Genome Research, Plenum,/,41-55 1996
Lectures and oral presentations (53): -
(生命医薬情報連合大会 2012)
KEGG と糖質情報
(第31回日本糖質学会年会ポストミーティング 2012)
(バイオインフォマティクス講習会 - 生物情報データベース入門 2012)
KEGG: Current Status and Its Applications
(KISTI International Workshop on Current and Future in Pathway Research 2012)
(第12回IPABシンポジウム 2011)
more... Education (2): - 1989 - 1994 Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering
- 1985 - 1989 Kyushu University Faculty of Engineering Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Engineering (Kyushu University)
Work history (3): - 2017/02 - 現在 Research Organization of Information and Systems Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research Professor
- 1999/10 - 2017/01 Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research Associate Professor
- 1994/04 - 1999/09 Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research Research Associate
Committee career (2): - 2000 - 2001 日本バイオインフォマティクス学会 幹事
- 2001 - 生物物理学会 編集実行委員
Association Membership(s) (6):
, American Association for the Advancement of Science
, Association for Computing Machinery
, 分子生物学会
, 生物物理学会
, 情報処理学会
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