J-GLOBAL ID:200901003283530059
Update date: Aug. 28, 2024
Murabayashi Naoki
ムラバヤシ ナオキ | Murabayashi Naoki
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Affiliation and department:
Kansai University Faculty of Engineering ScienceDepartment of Mathematics
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Detailed information
Job title:
Research field (1):
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Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2003 - 2005 虚数乗法論とKP方程式の関連について
1996 - 1998 QM型アーベル曲面のHasse-Weilゼータ関数について
1995 - 有理数体上定義されたCM型アーベル曲面の分類
Papers (17):
村林 直樹. On supersingular primes of the Elkies' elliptic curve. Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 2019. 60.1, 41-59
Naoki Murabayashi. On torsion points of certain CM elliptic curves. Functiones et Approximatio, Commentarii Mathematici. 2012. 47. 1. 89-93
Naoki Murabayashi. Determination of simple CM abelian surfaces defined over Q. MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN. 2008. 342. 3. 657-671
Naoki Murabayashi. Modularity of CM elliptic curves over division fields. JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY. 2008. 128. 4. 895-897
Naoki Murabayashi. On construction of certain CM elliptic curves. JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY. 2008. 128. 3. 576-588
Books (1):
Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions
Lectures and oral presentations (4):
特殊関数 e^x E_1(x) の連分数展開とその収束性および Euler-Gompertz 定数 \delta の無理性への応用
(2022 大分熊本整数論研究集会 2022)
On supersingular primes of the Elkies' elliptic curve
On torsion points of CM elliptic curves
(Japan-Korea Number Theory Seminar 2011 2011)
ある楕円曲線の supersingular primes について
(「数論と社会に役立つ数学」研究集会 2010)
Education (3):
- 1992 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
1992 - Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
- 1987 Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering
Professional career (1):
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