J-GLOBAL ID:200901003430737225
Update date: Jul. 03, 2024 Shigoka Tadashi
シゴカ タダシ | Shigoka Tadashi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Theoretical economics
Research keywords (2):
, Macroeconomics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2007 - 2010 Globalization and the Japanese Economy-People, Goods, Money, and Social Overhead Capital-
- 1997 - 2003 "Complexity and Nonlinear Economic Systems : Theory and Application"
- 内生的景気循環理論
- Endogenous Business Cycle Theory
Papers (16): -
Dmitry Gromov, Tadashi Shigoka, Anton Bondarev. Optimality and sustainability of hybrid limit cycles in the pollution control problem with regime shifts. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2024. 26. 4. 10701-10718
- Kazuo Nishimura, Tadashi Shigoka. Hopf Bifurcation and the Existence and Stability of Closed Orbits in Three-Sector Models of Optimal Endogenous Growth. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics. 2019. 23. 4. 1-21
Hiromi Murakami, Kazuo Nishimura, Tadashi Shigoka. Homoclinic Orbit and Stationary Sunspot Equilibrium in a Three-Dimensional Continuous-Time Model with a Predetermined Variable. Sunspots and Non-Linear Dynamics: Essays in Honor of Jean-Michel Grandmont, Studies in Economic Theory 31, Springer, by Kazuo Nishimura, Alain Venditti and Nicholas C. Yannelis, eds. 2016. 175-200
Kazuo Nishimura, Tadashi Shigoka. An alternative proof of the theorem ofwoodford on the existence of a sunspot equilibrium in a continuous-time model. Essays in Economic Dynamics: Theory, Simulation Analysis, and Methodological Study. 2016. 23-32
Luis Bettencourt, Kazuo Nishimura, Tadashi Shigoka. "Hopf bifurcation and the existence and stability of closed orbits in three-sector models of optimal endogenous growth",. (Raising Market Quality, Integrated Design of "Market Infrastructure" 2008-2013, pp.207-235, 2013. 2013
more... MISC (9): -
新後閑 禎. Endogenous Growth Models with International Trade and Chaos with Large Degrees of Freedom. The International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications. 2006
新後閑 禎. Bifurcation and Sunspots in the Continuous Time Equilibrium Model with Capacity Utilization. The 3rd International Conference on Economic Theory “Social Welfare, Market Equilibrium and Stability”. 2006
新後閑 禎. Sunspots and Hopf Bifurcations in Continuous Time Endogenous Growth Models. International Conference: Intertempral Equilibria, Aggregations and Sunspots: in Honor of Jean-Michel Grandmont. 2005
新後閑 禎. Homoclinic Bifurcation in the Continuous Time Growth Model with Capacity Utilization and External Effects (with Jess Benhabib and Kazuo Nishimura). International Conference: Dynamic Equilibria, Expectations and Indeterminacy. 2004
Boldrin Michele, Nishimura Kazuo, Shigoka Tadashi, Yano Makoto. On the Chaotic Dynamics Generated by an Endogenous Growth Model (New developments in dynamical systems). RIMS Kokyuroku. 2000. 1179. 45-59
more... Lectures and oral presentations (2): -
(慶應義塾大学経済研究所ミクロ経済学ワークショップ 2016)
(マクロ経済動学の非線形数理 2014)
Education (2): - - 1993 イエール大学(Yale University)大学院 経済学研究科 理論経済学
- - 1993 Yale University Graduate School, Division of Economics
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Philosophy (Yale University Graduate of School)
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