Research keywords (7):
, 元寇船建造地の推定
, チャイム年代測定
, dammed lake triggered by Tensho Earthquake
, provenance of anchor stones used for Mongolian ships
, CHIME (Th-U-total Pb isochron method) dating
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
資源環境地質学、 III 資源地質研究法、III-A 年代法・古地磁気法 III-A3 CHIME年代法
資源地質学会 2003
Transect of central Japan: from Hida to Shimanto (共著)
Adachi, M. and Suzuki, K. (Eds) 29th IGC Field Trip Guide Book, Vol. 1, Paleozoic and Mesozoic Terranes: Basement of Japanese Island Arcs 1992
Transect of central Japan: from Hida to Shimanto (共著)
Adachi, M. and Suzuki, K. (Eds) 29th IGC Field Trip Guide Book, Vol. 1, Paleozoic and Mesozoic Terranes: Basement of Japanese Island Arcs 1992
Material transfer during metamorphic processes: experimental approaches. In: Marumo, F. (Ed) Dynamic Processes of Material Transport and Trandformation in Earth's Interior.