J-GLOBAL ID:200901003973365620
Update date: Jun. 05, 2020
Ito Tadao
イトウ タダオ | Ito Tadao
Affiliation and department:
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agrobiology
About Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agrobiology
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Detailed information
Research field (2):
Agricultural sociology
, Agricultural and food economics
Research keywords (4):
, 農業生産組織論
, Rural Planning
, Group Farming
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
The Developmental Conditions of Groups Farming
MISC (32):
A Sarker, T Itoh. Design principles in long-enduring institutions of Japanese irrigation common-pool resources. AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT. 2001. 48. 2. 89-102
内モンゴルにおける農牧業複合経営の現状と課題. 農林業問題研究. 2001. 36. 4. 225-229
The Development of Group Farming in Post-War Japanese Agriculture. JOURNAL OF RURAL COOPERATION. 2001. 29. 1. 63-82
Condition and Problems of Arable-Livestocks Multiple Farming in Inner Mongolia. 2001. 36. 4. 225-229
転作拡大と稲作専業経営の動向. 農業と経済. 2000. 67. 3. 57-63
Books (15):
(社)農山漁村文化協会 1998
『山村再生 21世紀への課題と展望』(共著)
(社)農山漁村文化協会 1998
(社)家の光協会 1998
農林統計協会 1996
Problems of Enriroment Conserrational Agriculture
Association of Rural Statistics 1996
Education (2):
- 1967 Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture
- 1967 Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
Committee career (2):
2002 - 日本農業経営学会 理事・副会長
1990 - 地域農林経済学会 理事
Awards (1):
1992 - 日本農業経営学会賞学術賞
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本農業経営学会
, 日本農業経済学会
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