J-GLOBAL ID:200901004506637710
Update date: Sep. 03, 2022 Nakamura Kenjiro
ナカムラ ケンジロウ | Nakamura Kenjiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (4):
Architectural history and design
, Architectural and city planning
, Museology
, Cultural properties
Research keywords (6):
, 歴史的景観
, 伝統的建造物群
, Sistem of Conservation of Cultural Properties
, Historic View
, Historic Buildings
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): MISC (7): -
Maizo bunkazai hogoseido nikansuru ripporonteki kosatsu. Memoirs of Beppu University. 2001. 43. 11-19
A Legislative Consideration on the Conservation System of Buried Cultural Properties. 2001. 43. 11-19
Bunkazaigaku shiron gaku no kochiku no tame no jakkan no shiten. Memoirs of Beppu University. 2000. 42. 9-29
A Tentative Plan of Cultural Properties Theory-Several Points of View to Buila up the Theory. MEMOIRS OF BEPPU UNIVERSITY. 2000. 42. 9-29
Doitsu niokeru rekishiteki kyu shigai no keikan hogo to hozon shufuku : maisen passau bon no tetsuzuki to shuho. Memoirs of Beppu University. 1999. 41. 11-36
more... Books (10): - 文化財保護論
別府大学アジア歴史文化研究所 2003
- 大分県日田盆地における開発史的総合研究-環境歴史学の視点に立つ都市及び農村の開発史的研究-
平成10年〜12年度文部省科学研究費補助金基盤研究B報告書 2001
- ヒトと環境と文化遺産(共著)
山川出版社 2000
- 文化財保護制度概説
株式会社ぎょうせい 1999
- An Introduction to Japanese Systems of Conservation of Cultural Properties
more... Works (6): -
2002 - 2004
Research on the Conservation of the Environment of Historic Cities and Villages
2002 - 2004
歴史的都市・村落の環境保全に関する調査研究(科学研究費補助金特別研究推進費 研究代表者
2002 -
環境歴史学の視点に立つ都市及び農村の開発史的研究(科学研究費補助金基盤研究B 研究代表者)
1998 - 1999
1983 - 1985
more... Education (2): - - 1958 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters
- - 1958 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Literature
Work history (6): - 2003 - - 杉野服飾大学服飾学部 教授
- 2003 - - Professor, Faculty of Fashion, Sugino Fashion
- 1997 - 2002 Beppu University Faculty of Humanities
- 1997 - 2002 Professor, Faculty of Literature, Beppu
- College
- University
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