J-GLOBAL ID:200901004759115914
Update date: Sep. 01, 2020 Nishigaki Yasuyuki
ニシガキ ヤスユキ | Nishigaki Yasuyuki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Public economics, labor economics
Research keywords (11):
Local Public Goods
, Limit Cycle
, Chaos
, Pension
, Public Infrastructure
, Environmental Economics
, Public Economics
, 財政学
, マクロ経済動学
, 環境経済学
, 公共経済学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9): - 2015 - 2019 Inter-regional Competition and Residents' Perticipation in Policy Dicision
- 2015 - 2018 Inter-resional Competition and Residents' Perticipation - Voting, Voice & Exit and a Yardstick Competition
- 2013 - 2016 Constracting a Policy Evaluation Model and Efficiency of Local Public Sector
- 2012 - 2015 地方分権における公共サービス供給の最適性、行政コストの効率性と戦士政府推進
- 2010 - 2012 新たな電子政府アセスメントと政策評価モデルの構築
- 2007 - 2010 An Application of Complex Logistic Equation to Nonlinear Daynamics in Ecnomics
- 2004 - 2007 Applications of Complex and Evolutional Dyanamics to Socio-economic Analysis
- 1982 - 2005 Economic Analysis of Tax
- Economic Analysis of Tax, Environmental Economics, Macro-economic Dynamics, Local Public Economics
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Papers (39): -
Pradhan, R, Hall, J, Nishigaki, Y, Flavio, S, Filho,P, E. Toit. A Quantitative Assessment of the Finance-Growth-Innovation Nexus in EEA Countries: Evidence from a Multivariate VECM. Journal of East-West Business. 2019. 25. 225-261
- M. S. Wong, Nishimoto, H, Y. Nishigaki. The Incorporation of Social Media in an Emergency Supply and Demand Framework in Disaster Response. Proceeding of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Social Computing and Networking 2018. 2018. 1. 1-6
Nishigaki, Y, H. Nishimoto. Voice, Exit and Yardstick Competition in Local Public Goods Provision. Proceedings of the 65th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International,. 2018. 1. 1-16
Nishigaki, Y, Higashi, Y, H. Kato. Yardstick Competition, Tax Competition and the Optimal Provision of Local Public Goods. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance. 2018. 1. 1-21
Pradhan, R, Nishigaki, Y, J. Hall. The Multivariate Dynamic Causal Relations between Financial Depth, Inflation, and Economic Growth. The Philippine Review of Economics. 2017. 59. 63-93
more... MISC (25): -
西垣 泰幸, 東 裕三, 西本 秀樹. ヤードスティック競争モデルと地方公共財の最適供給. 社会科学研究年報(龍谷大学社会科学研究所). 2012. 42号. 15-22
Yasuyuki Nishigaki, Yuzo Higashi, Wong Meng Seng, Hideki Nishimoto. A New E-Government Role in Improving Local Government Performance: A Study Based on a Yardstick Competition Model. Proceedings of the Istanbul International Conference on Business and Economics. 2012. 1-10
Yasuyuki Nishigaki, Yuzo Higashi, Wong Meng Seng, Hideki Nishimoto. E-Government as a Vehicle for Promoting and Improving Governmental Performances with Yardstick Competition Model. ICT&A 2011/DEMSET 2011: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DESIGN AND MODELING IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION, AND TECHNOLOGY. 2011. 78-83
Yasuyuki Nishigaki, Yuzo Higashi, Hideki Nishimoto. Voting with Feet, Yardstick Competition and Optimal Provision of Local Public Goods. Proceedings of Singapore Economic Review Conference 2011. 2011. CD-ROM. 1-10
Y. Nishigaki, H. Nishimoto, H. Terada. An Effective Approach of Non-linear Macro-economic Dynamics with Complex Knowledge Base System. Proceedings of Singapore Economic Review Conference 2009. 2009. CD-Rom
more... Books (18): - Theoretical and Empirical Analysis in Environmental Economics (Nakayama, K. and Y. Miyata eds.)
Springer Nature Singapore 2019
- Local Government and Emergency Supply and Demand Framework in Disaster Response
Nihon Keizai Hyoronsya 2019
- 地域間ヤードスティック競争の経済学
日本経済評論社 2017
- 地方分権と政策評価
日本経済評論社 2017
- 地方政府の効率性と電子政府
日本経済評論社 2014
more... Education (4): - - 1985 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- - 1985 Nagoya University
- - 1979 Osaka Prefecture University Faculty of Economics
- - 1979 Osaka Prefecture University School of Economics Department of Economics
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Economics (Nagoya University)
Work history (6): Association Membership(s) (6):
, 環境経済・政策学会
, 日本地方財政学会
, 生活経済学会
, 日本財政学会
, 理論・計量経済学会
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