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J-GLOBAL ID:200901005096143907   Update date: Nov. 17, 2023

Sakai Hirofumi

サカイ ヒロフミ | Sakai Hirofumi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (2): http://www.amo-phys-s-u-tokyo.jp/http://www.amo-phys-s-u-tokyo.jp/en/
Research field  (2): Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics ,  Mathematical physics and basic theory
Research keywords  (4): 原子分子物理学 ,  量子光学 ,  Atomic and Molecular Physics ,  Quantum Optics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (9):
  • 2022 - 2024 Exploring a technique for forming a molecular ensemble with macroscopic rotational symmetry
  • 2014 - 2017 Underlying physics of high-order harmonic generation from oriented molecules
  • 2012 - 2015 Development of ultraviolet femtosecond pulse source by using aligned molecular samples
  • 2009 - 2013 Electronic stereodynamics in molecules and ultrafast molecular imaging based on molecular orientation techniques
  • 2007 - 2009 配列または配向した分子中からの高次高調波発生とその物理
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Papers (69):
  • Je Hoi Mun, Shinichirou Minemoto, Dong Eon Kim, Hirofumi Sakai. All-optical control of pendular qubit states with nonresonant two-color laser pulses. Communications Physics. 2022. 5. 1
  • Md Maruf Hossain, Xiang Zhang, Shinichirou Minemoto, Hirofumi Sakai. Stronger orientation of state-selected OCS molecules with relative-delay-adjusted nanosecond two-color laser pulses. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2022. 156. 4
  • Je Hoi Mun, Hirofumi Sakai, Dong Eon Kim. Time-dependent unitary transformation method in the strong-field-ionization regime with the kramers-henneberger picture. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021. 22. 16
  • Je Hoi Mun, Dong Eon Kim, Hirofumi Sakai. Time-dependent unitary transformation method to numerically solve the strong-field-ionization dynamics in the Kramers-Henneberger frame. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2021
  • Shinichirou Minemoto, Wataru Komatsubara, Hirofumi Sakai. Comparative studies of the degrees of orientation of CO molecules pumped by intense femtosecond two-color pulses based on high-order harmonic generation and Coulomb explosion imaging. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2020. 53. 23
MISC (31):
  • Shinichirou Minemoto, Wataru Komatsubara, Hirofumi Sakai. Verification of nonadiabatic orientation of CO molecules with a femtosecond two-color laser pulse studied by highorder harmonic generation and Coulomb explosion imaging. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2016
  • Mun Jehoi, Takei Daisuke, Minemoto Shinichirou, Sakai Hirofumi. 27pEB-11 Laser-field-free orientation of rotational-quantum-state-selected asymmetric top molecules. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2013. 68. 1. 216-216
  • Minemoto Shinichirou, Sakemi Yusuke, Katou Kosaku, Sakai Hirofumi. 25aGL-2 High-order harmonic generation with carrier-envelope-phase controlled femtosecond pulses. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2011. 66. 1. 159-159
  • Yuiehi Fujimura, Hirofumi Sakai. Electronic and nuclear dynamics in molecular systems. Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics in Molecular Systems. 2011. 1-182
  • Minemoto S., Kato K., Sakai H. 23pTC-3 Quantum interference in high-order harmonic generation from aligned molecules. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2010. 65. 1. 217-217
Patents (1):
  • 気体ビームを用いた超短レーザーパルス測定方法特許(共同発明)出願国:日本
Books (2):
  • Alignment of neutral molecules by a strong nonresonant laser field(共著, 筆頭)
    Advances in multiphoton processes and spectroscopy(World Scientific) 2000
  • Alignment of neutral molecules by a strong nonresonant laser field(共著, 筆頭)
    Advances in multiphoton processes and spectroscopy(World Scientific) 2000
Works (7):
  • 分子光学の基礎技術に関する研究
    1998 -
  • Research on Fundamental Techniques of Molecular Optics
    1998 -
  • 分子中での超高速現象に関する研究
    1995 - 1996
  • Research on Ultrafast Phenomena in Molecules
    1995 - 1996
  • Method of manipulating molecules特許(共同発明)出願国 : カナダ
    1996 -
Education (1):
  • - 1983 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor(Science) (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (7):
  • 2016/07 - 現在 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science
  • 2007/04 - 2016/07 The University of Tokyo
  • 1999/10 - 2007/03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science
  • 1992 - 1999 電子技術総合研究所 主任研究官
  • 1992 - 1999 Electrotechnical Laboratory, Senior Researcher
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Awards (6):
  • 2023/05 - 一般社団法人 レーザー学会 レーザー学会 フェロー
  • 2023/04 - 文部科学省 令和5年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰・科学技術賞・研究部門 高強度レーザー電場を用いた気体分子の配向制御技術の研究
  • 2020/05 - 公益社団法人 日本分光学会 日本分光学会賞(学会賞) 高強度レーザー電場を用いた気体分子の配列・配向制御技術とその応用
  • 2019/10 - 公益財団法人 松尾学術振興財団 第23回松尾学術賞 気体分子の配列・配向制御技術に関する先駆的研究とその応用
  • 1992 - レーザー学会第16回レーザー研究業績賞(論文賞オリジナル部門)
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Association Membership(s) (7):
米国光学会(Optical Society of America) ,  日本分光学会 ,  レーザー学会 ,  応用物理学会 ,  日本物理学会 ,  分子科学会 ,  原子衝突学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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