J-GLOBAL ID:200901005386703221
Update date: Jul. 08, 2022
Iwamoto Yoshihisa
イワモト ヨシヒサ | Iwamoto Yoshihisa
Affiliation and department:
University of Shizuoka School of Nursing, Department of Nursing
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Detailed information
Research field (3):
, Pharmacology
, Pharmaceuticals - health and biochemistry
Research keywords (6):
, 光皮膚科学
, 微生物学
, Nosocomial Infection
, Photodermatology
, Microbiology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
1997 - 院内感染防止に関する研究
1997 - Study for prevension of nosocomial infection
1985 - PCR法による魚病細菌の迅速検出・診断法の確立
1985 - Rapid detection and identification of bacteria causing fish disease by polymerase chain reaction
1980 - 化合物の光毒性および光アレルギー誘発メカニズムに関する研究
1980 - Study for induction mechanisms of phototoxicity and photoallergenicity by chemicals
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MISC (64):
TAKEMURA Hitomi, DOI Matsuko, KAYANO Yasutomo, KAWARAZAKI Jun, SUGIYAMA Itsuko, IWAMOTO Yoshihisa, USUKURA Yukihiro, SHIMURA Koji. Epidemiological Study of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Strains from NICU. Environmental Infections. 2002. 17. 3. 257-263
DOI Matsuko, TAKEMURA Hitomi, AOKI Hisayo, IWAMOTO Yoshihisa, USUKURA Yukihiro, SHIMURA Koji, KANDA Shigeo. Epidemiological Study of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Strains from NICU. Japanese Journal of Infection Prevention and Control. 2000. 15. 4. 306-311
新生児室から分離された細菌の菌種同定. 環境感染. 1999. 14. 1. 99
新生児室から検出される微生物の種類と性質. 環境感染. 1998. 13. 1. 47
T Shimizu, Y Iwamoto, Y Yanagihara, K Ryoyama, Y Maruyama, K Achiwa. Antibody-producing effects in mice by synthetic immunoactive lipopeptides with the conjugated amino acid sequence of gp120 in human immunodeficiency virus. BIOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN. 1996. 19. 10. 1271-1274
Books (1):
キャンベル 生化学 第2版(共著)
(]G0510[)川書店 1998
Professional career (2):
Committee career (2):
1999 - 日本看護医療学会 評議員
1986 - 日本薬学会 東海支部幹事
Awards (1):
1996 - パナホーム静岡賞
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本看護医療学会
, 日本生化学会
, 日本環境感染学会
, 米国光生物学会(American Society of Photobiology)
, 米国微生物学会(American Society of Microbiology)
, 日本細菌学会
, 日本薬学会
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