J-GLOBAL ID:200901005664304139
Update date: Feb. 10, 2025 Kataoka Shojiro
カタオカ ショウジロウ | Kataoka Shojiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research Coordinator for Earthquake Engineering
Homepage URL (2): https://www.pwri.go.jp/bousai/index.html
https://www.pwri.go.jp/caesar/index-e.html Research field (1):
Structural and seismic engineering
Research keywords (2):
Earthquake Engineering
, Public Works
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2016 - 2020 Framework and Methodologies of Seismic Design for Anti-Catastrophe Property
- 2011 - 2016 Development of the next generation ground motion prediction equation
Papers (22): - Shiraishi, M., Ashiya, H., Konno, A., Morita, K., Noro, T., Nomura, Y., Kataoka, S. Development of real-time collection, integration, and sharing technology for infrastructure damage information. Journal of Disaster Research. 2019. 14. 2. 333-347
ISHII Yosuke, YABE Masaaki, NAKAO Yoshihiro, KATAOKA Shojiro. EXAMINATION OF INFLUENCE ON SEISMIC PERFORMANCE OF HIGHWAY BRIDGES BY THE REPETITIVE STRONG EARTHQUAKE MOTION DURING THE 2016 KUMAMOTO EARTHQUAKES. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A1 (Structural Engineering & Earthquake Engineering (SE/EE)). 2018. 74. 4. I_926-I_940
- NAKAO Yoshihiro, KATAOKA Shojiro. STATISTICAL STUDY ON DAMAGE TO HIGHWAY BRIDGES DUE TO THE 2011 OFF THE PACIFIC COAST OF TOHOKU EARTHQUAKE. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A1 (Structural Engineering & Earthquake Engineering (SE/EE)). 2017. 73. 4. I_628-I_633
KAJIO Tatsushi, TANIMOTO Shunsuke, KATAOKA Shojiro, SASAKI Tetsuya. EXAMINATION OF THE EARTHQUAKE SETTLEMENT EVALUATION OF RIVER EMBANKMENT USING 2D DYNAMIC EFFECTIVE STRESS ANALYSIS. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A1 (Structural Engineering & Earthquake Engineering (SE/EE)). 2017. 73. 4. I_932-I_948
- 片岡 正次郎, 金子 正洋, 松岡 一成, 長屋 和宏, 運上 茂樹. 上部構造と橋脚が流出した道路橋の地震・津波被害再現解析. 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学). 2013. 69. 4. I_932-I_941
more... MISC (29): -
Kataoka, S., Ohsumi, M., Honda, R., Hoshikuma, J. Implementation and new approach for resilience design against extreme event: Seismic design of highway bridges in Japan. Proceedings of the 8th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region: CECAR8. 2019
Kataoka, S., Mikami, A., Zimmaro, P., Kwak, D. Y., Tsai, Y. T., Brandenberg, S. J., Stewart, J. P. A database of seismic records at instrumented levee sites in Japan. 2019
片岡 正次郎, 石井 洋輔, 中尾 吉宏. 2016年熊本地震で得られた強震記録による道路橋の耐震設計に用いる地震動の検証-Examination of the Earthquake Motion used for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges Using the Strong Motion Records of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes. 土木技術資料 = Civil engineering journal : 土木技術の総合情報誌. 2018. 60. 7. 26-29
猿渡 基樹, 梶尾 辰史, 石井 洋輔, 片岡 正次郎. 地震被災の分析に基づく道路橋の被災状況把握システムの構築-Development of a Damage Surveillance System for Road Bridges Based on Earthquake Damage Analyses. 土木技術資料 = Civil engineering journal : 土木技術の総合情報誌. 2018. 60. 3. 32-35
Kataoka, S., Imachou, N., Ote, M. Study on feature of various sensors using for road snow removal and utilization of radar technology. XVth International Winter Road Congress. 2018
more... Books (10): - 自然災害科学・防災の百科事典
丸善出版 2022 ISBN:9784621306642
- 道路震災対策便覧(震災危機管理編)
(公社)日本道路協会 2019
- 道路橋示方書・同解説 V耐震設計編
- 道路技術基準 温故知新
公益社団法人日本道路協会 2015
- 東日本大震災合同調査報告 共通編1 地震・地震動
more... Education (2): - - 1996 Tokyo Institute of Technology Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering Department of Built Environment
- - 1992 Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Professional career (1): Work history (8): - 2024/04 - 現在 Public Works Research Institute Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research Research Coordinator for Earthquake Engineering
- 2020/07 - 2024/03 National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management Road Structures Department Research Coordinator for Road Structures
- 2016/04 - 2020/06 National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management Road Structures Department Head of Earthquake Disaster Management Division
- 2001 - 2016 National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management Earthquake Disaster Prevention Division Researcher / Senior Researcher
- 1998 - 2001 Public Works Research Institute Ground Vibration Division Research Engineer
- 1997 - 1998 Tokyo Institute of Technology Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering
- 1996 - 1997 California Institute of Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Postdoctoral Scholar
- 1994 - 1997 JSPS Research Fellow
Show all
Awards (2): - 2017/10 - Ministry of Public Works, the Republic of Chile Diploma www.nilim.go.jp/lab/bcg/kisya/journal/kisya20171201_2.pdf
- 1998/06 - (財)手島工業教育資金団 手島記念研究賞(博士論文賞)
Association Membership(s) (2): Return to Previous Page