J-GLOBAL ID:200901005751112807
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024 Hirose Keiko
ヒロセ ケイコ | Hirose Keiko
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Foreign language education
Research keywords (5):
cooperative learning
, 第二言語ライティング
, 英語教育学
, second language writing research
, English language education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11): - 2015 - 2018 協同グループ学習による英語教育の有効性:動機づけの観点から
- 2011 - 2015 ピアフィードバックを用いた英語ライティング指導のための基礎研究
- 2006 - 2009 Effects of Peer Feedback in English Writing Instruction
- 2003 - 2006 The Cognitive Pragmatic Investigation of Conceptualization in the Process of Text Understanding and Its Phenomenological Considerations
- 2000 - 2003 A Preliminary Study of Writing Strategies Used by Japanese EFL Students: For Process-oriented English Writing Instruction
- 1997 - 1999 Toward an Empirical Model of L2 Writing Process
- 1995 - 1996 東海学術奨励会研究助成
- 1993 - 1995 Repetition in L1 and L2 English and Japanese
- 1993 - 1995 英作文能力の説明要因の探究とその教育的応用
- 1991 - 1992 ビデオ教材の提示に関する基礎研究:音声・文字・映像の効果を探る
- 1988 - 1989 The Ishida Foundation Research Grant(Education)
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Papers (52): -
HIROSE Keiko, WADA Tamami. Learner beliefs in cooperation and English self-efficacy. Journal of Community Guidance & Research (Neelkamal Publications). 2020. 37. 3. 40-48
Keiko Hirose. Effects of English language teaching incorporating cooperative group learning on Japanese university students. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan. 2020. 31. 225-240
Keiko Hirose. Intermediate-level Japanese EFL students’ short-term writing development: Examining fluency and complexity in relation to quality. The Journal of the Faculty of Foreign Studies, Aichi Prefectural University (Language and Literature). 2020. 52. 67-104
HIROSE Keiko. Incorporating cooperative group learning into English language teaching methodology. 2018. 9. 15-24
HIROSE Keiko. Exploring Japanese EFL students’ short-term writing development. JACET Journal. 2018. 62. 69-88
more... MISC (3): -
Hirose Keiko. English Writing Instruction Using Peer Feedback(College English Curriculum Innovation in the 'New' Age of International Exchange). 2009. 48. 48-49
Keiko HIROSE. The author responds: Review of Product and process in the L1 and L2 writing of Japanese students of English. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching. 2008. 18. 201-204
Keiko HIROSE. Interview with Christine Pearson Casanave: Controversies in second language writing research and instruction. The Language Teacher (全国語学教育学会). 2006. 30. 12. 15-18
Books (7): - Second language writing instruction in global contexts: English language teacher preparation and development
Multilingual Matters 2019 ISBN:9781788925853
- 教職入門ガイドブック(改訂新版)
理想書林 2007
- Product and process in the L1 and L2 writing of Japanese students of English
Keisuisha 2005 ISBN:4874408621
- Academic writing programs (Case studies in TESOL practice series)
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 2001 ISBN:0939791897
- 英語教育学モノグラフ・シリーズ『英語のスピーキング』(共著)第4章スピーキングの教材
大修館書店 1984 ISBN:4469142069
more... Lectures and oral presentations (5): -
(第二言語ライティング研究会 2018)
(名古屋市中学校英語教育研究会 2005)
A Study of Learners' Repetition in Spontaneous English Conversation
Small-Group Discussions in EFL Classrooms
(JALT Toyohashi Chapter Monthly Meeting 1989)
Teaching of English in Japan
Professional career (2): - Master of Education (Hiroshima University)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Education) (Hiroshima University)
Committee career (9): - 2015/06 - 現在 University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP) 日本国内委員会専門委員
- 2000/10 - 現在 Asian Journal of English Language Teaching 編集委員
- 2015/04 - 2021/03 大学英語教育学会 (JACET) 大学英語教育学会賞・学術出版物選考委員会選考委員
- 2008/04 - 2016/03 愛知県男女共同参画審議会委員
- 2012/04 - 2015/03 中部地区英語教育学会紀要 査読委員
- 2008/04 - 2012/03 大学入試センター試験企画委員会委員
- 1995/05 - 2010/11 Journal of Second Language Writing 編集委員
- 1997/10 - 2000/09 Asian Journal of English Language Teaching 査読委員
- 1988/09 - 1996/03 大学英語教育学会 (JACET) 研究企画委員
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