J-GLOBAL ID:200901005936218377
Update date: Sep. 17, 2022 Yoshida Norihiko
ヨシダ ノリヒコ | Yoshida Norihiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (2):
Analytical chemistry
, Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
Research keywords (4):
, 陸水
, L.Shibire
, L.Kawaguchi
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 山梨県内自然湖沼の陸水学的研究
- Limmological Studies on Lakes of Yamanashi Prefecture
- Studies on Characteristic Quality and Chemical Compositions of Carrot
MISC (24): -
Limunological Study on Lake Kawaguchi -Chemical Study in 2001-. Bulletin of Ymanashi Prefectural Junior College. 2002. 35. ,45-48
YOSHIDA N. Limnological Study on Lake Kawaguchi-Chemical Study in 1999-. Bulletin of Yamanashi Prefectural Junior College. 2001. 34. 211-214
YOSHIZAWA K. Limnological Study on Lake Kawaguchi-Chemical Study in 1998-. Bulletin of Yamanashi Prefectural Junior College. 2000. 33. 151-154
Limnological Study on Lake kawaguchi-Chemical Study in 1997-. Bulletin of Yamanashi Prefectural Junior College. 1999. 32. 189-192
A study on Characteristic Qualities and Chemical Compositions of Spinach Fruits (Spinacia oleracea L. ) part(]G0002[) -Changes of Oxalic acid and Nitric acid in Spinach Fruits-. Bulletin of Yamanashi Prefectural Junior College. 1999. 32. 143-151
more... Professional career (1): - master of Fisheries (Hokkaido University)
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