J-GLOBAL ID:200901006911964909
Update date: Feb. 21, 2008 Kaneda Takahiro
カネダ タカヒロ | Kaneda Takahiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
associate professor
Research field (2):
Bioorganic chemistry
, Structural/physical organic chemistry
Research keywords (2):
, (general) organic chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 1995 - 2007 分子機械の構築
- 1995 - 2007 Construction of Molealar Machines
- 1992 - 2007 完全メチル化シクロデキストリンの化学
- 1992 - 2007 Chemistry of Permethylated Cydodextrins
MISC (4): Books (5): - センサー用色素(第9章4節)/機能性色素最新応用技術、監修 入江
シーエムシー 1996
- 色素化アセランドを用いるアミン選択的呈色錯化:原理と応用
エルゼビア、アムステルダム 1992
- Amine-Selective Colour Complexation with Chromogenic "Acerands": Principle and Applications (Chapter 6) in "Crown Ethers and Analogogous Compounds" ed.by M.Hiraoka,
Elsevier, Amsterdam 1992
- アセチレン類の近接相互作用
John Wiley & Sons 1978
- Proximity Interactions of Acetylenes (共著) (Chapter 16) in "The Chemistry of the Carbon-Carbon Triple bond, Part 2" ed. by S. Patai
John Wiley & Sons 1978
Education (4): - - 1971 Osaka University
- - 1971 Osaka University Science graduate course Organice Chemistry
- - 1966 Shizuoka University
- - 1966 Shizuoka University Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science (Natural Sciences)
Professional career (2): - Master of Science (Osaka University)
- Doctor of Science (Osaka University)
Work history (7): - 1991 - 2002 Osaka University The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research
- 1991 - 2002 Associate Professor, Osaka University
- 1971 - 1991 Osaka University The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research
- 1971 - 1991 Research Associate, Osaka University
- 1976 - 1979 University of California, Los Angeles
- 1976 - 1979 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California
- at Los Angels
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Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本化学会
, The Society of Cyclodextrins, Japan
, The Chemical Society of Japan
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