J-GLOBAL ID:200901007271640466
Update date: Sep. 25, 2007 Nishihara Jun
ニシハラ ジュン | Nishihara Jun
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Civil law
Research keywords (4):
, 家族法
, Proceedings of Family cases
, Family Law
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 家族法理論,家事事件処理手続法理論
- Theory of Family Law, Theory of Family Court Proceedings
MISC (26): -
遺留分算定に関する一考察. 岡山大学法学会雑誌. 1997. 46. 3.4. 53
On the computation for the legally secured portions of heirs. OKAYAMA LAW JAURNAL. 1997. 46. 3.4. 53
アメリカ家事事件手続法. 『注解人事訴訟手続法〔改訂〕』所収青林書院. 1993
乙類家事審判の合憲性. 『民法基本論集第VII巻家族法』所収法学書院. 1993
Proceedings of American Family Cases. 1993
more... Education (4): - - 1965 Kyushu University
- - 1965 Kyushu University Graduate School, Division of Law
- - 1963 Okayama University
- - 1963 Okayama University Faculty of Law and Literature
Professional career (2): - Doctor of Laws (Kyushu University)
- Master of Laws (Kyushu University)
Work history (10): - 1980 - 1984 Okayama University
- 1980 - 1984 Okayama University, Assistant Professor
- 1984 - - 岡山大学 教授
- 1984 - - Okayama University, Professor
- 1971 - 1980 University of the Ryukyus
- 1971 - 1980 Ryukyu University, Assistant Professor
- 1968 - 1971 第一経済大学 専任講師
- 1968 - 1971 Daiichi Economics University, Full-time Lectuer
- 1965 - 1968 Kyushu University
- 1965 - 1968 Kyushu University, Research Assistant
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Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本家族〈社会と法〉学会
, 日本法社会学会
, 日本私法学会
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