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J-GLOBAL ID:200901007518008679   Update date: Feb. 01, 2024


Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research keywords  (7): theory of modern Japanese society ,  problems in hilled rural areas ,  higher education studies ,  sociological thought ,  sociological theory ,  ego theory ,  ego theory, sociological theory, sociological thought, higher education studies, problems in hilled rural areas, theory of modern Japanese society
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2013 - 2016 Reexamination of Reason, Desire, and Civil Society in terms of "Post 3.11 Crisis"
  • 2008 - 2012 The control and solidarity in modern society-focusing on strata and human services
Papers (15):
  • Kagei Mitsuru. Research on “Abandoned People” in Present Days (1) Three Great Famine in the Edo Period and Neoliberal “Choice and Concentration”. RITSUMEIKAN Social Sciences Review. 2022. 57. 4. 1-20
  • KAGEI Mitsuru. What Kind of Image of Society did Durkheim's Sociology Try to Portray : Rereading of "Rules of sociological method"(2). Ritsumeikan Social Sciences Review. 2015. 50. 4. 21-37-38
  • KAGEI Mitsuru. What Kind of Image of Society did Durkheim's sociology Try to Portray? : Rereading of "Rules of sociological method(1). Ritsumeikan Social Sceiences Review. 2014. 50. 3. 21-42-42
  • KAGEI Mitsuru. Revisualizing Durkheim's Sociology as Social Thought:The objective of Durkheim's sociology of morality. Ritsumeikan Social Sceiences Review. 2014. 50. 2. 55-67-67
  • 景井充. エミール・デュルケム. 『よくわかる社会学』ミネルヴァ書房. 2006
MISC (6):
  • Kagei Mitsuru. From “Keihoku project” to Social Design: Toward a Practice of Sociological Social Design in a Shrinking Society. RITSUMEIKAN Social Sciences Review. 2021. 57. 3. 109-121
  • TAKASHIMA Masaharu, KAGEI Mitsuru, NAKANISHI Noriko, FUJIMOTO Yositaka, MIYAUCHI Tatsurou, YAMADA Daichi, SHIOMI Naoki. The report of "Frontier Design Forum:Opening Up the Era of Creative Local. Ritsumeikan Social Sceiences Review. 2014. 50. 2. 163-180-180
  • KAGEI Mitsuru, TAKASHIMA Masaharu, SAKATA Kenji, YAMADA Daichi. A Research Report on University in Tohoku:Academic/Social Engagement after the 3.11 Earthquake. 立命館産業社会論集. 2013. 48. 4. 159-171-171
  • KAGEI Mitsuru, OGURA Hiroyuki. An Investigation Report on Student's Life in AmericaUniversities -From the Viewpoint of FD to develop the "Learner Centered Education/Learning" in the College of Social Sciences. RITSUMEIKAN HIGRER EDUCATIONAL STUDIES. 2012. 12. 209-224-224
  • 景井充, 高嶋正晴. Reviewing the Keihoku project as a fieldwork-basede education program:Its significance and contirubutions for service-learning as well as for rural development. 立命館産業社会論集. 2011. 47. 1. 315-329
Books (2):
  • ❝教育から学習への転換❞のその先へ ーー Unlearningを焦点に大学教育を構想する
    文理閣 2019
  • 危機に対峙する思考
    梓出版社 2015 ISBN:9784872622379
Lectures and oral presentations  (10):
  • 助言者としてのコメント
    (三周年記念フォーラム ~地域の誇りが人をつなぎ、小さな経済を動かしていく~ 2017)
  • モノづくりからコトおこしへ ~地域の自立を目指して~
    (一周年記念フォーラム ~地域の誇りが人をつなぎ、小さな経済を動かしていく~ 2015)
  • 現代日本社会における閉塞の構造-“道徳的包摂”の視点から
    (唯物論研究協会第31回大会のシンポジウム「怒りと批判の獲得-現代社会における感情と正義」 2008)
  • 唯物論研究協会第31回大会のシンポジウム「怒りと批判の獲得-現代社会における感情と正義」
    (現代日本社会における閉塞の構造-“道徳的包摂”の視点から 2008)
  • デュルケム社会学理論における意識把握の転換-発生論的問題構成の観点から-
    (日本社会学史学会・平成10年度大会(道都大学紋別校舎) 1998)
Education (3):
  • - 1997 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School, Division of Sociology Social Sciences
  • - 1997 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School, Division of Sociology Social Sciences
  • Hitotsubashi University
Committee career (6):
  • 2021/06 - 現在 ひかり福祉会(滋賀県彦根市) 理事
  • 2018/04 - 現在 大津市子ども・若者支援地域協議会 会長
  • 2017/06 - 現在 京都農福・共生戦略会議 委員
  • 2011/03 - 2016/03 京滋地区私立大学教職員組合連合 特別執行委員
  • 2014/10 - 2015/03 京都ほっとはあとセンターの今後を考える検討会 検討会委員、北部サテライト設置構想を研究・協議するための小委員会委員
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Association Membership(s) (4):
Japan Society for Public Interest and Common Goods Studies ,  The Japan Sociological Society ,  The Japan Association for the Study on the History of Sociology ,  Society for Contemporary Social Theory
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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