Electronic Band Structures of LaMO<sub>3</sub> (M=Ti, V, Cr,---, Ni, Cu) in the Local Spin-Density Approximation(共著)
Spectroscopy of Mott Insulators and Correlated Metals (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg) 1995
Electronic Band Structures of LaMO<sub>3</sub> (M=Ti, V, Cr,---, Ni, Cu) in the Local Spin-Density Approximation(共著)
Spectroscopy of Mott Insulators and Correlated Metals (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg) 1995
Lectures and oral presentations (11):
Photoemission spectroscopy of delafossite oxide CuCr1-xMgxO2
(フォトンファクトリー研究会「軟X線分光・散乱測定を用いた物性研究の現状と展望」 2011)
Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of Y doped SrTiO3 by modified Pechini’s method
(Materials Research Society 2007 Fall Meeting 2007)
Preparation and properties of Srn+1TinO3+1 Ruddlesden-popper homologous series by metal-citric acid complex decomposition method
(Materials Research Society 2007 Fall Meeting 2007)