J-GLOBAL ID:200901008433104632
Update date: Sep. 28, 2022 Ueno Kazufumi
ウエノ カズフミ | Ueno Kazufumi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (4):
Civil engineering (planning and transportation)
, Theoretical economics
, Safety engineering
, Social systems engineering
Research keywords (9):
, 地域
, 生活資源
, 居住環境
, 交流
, resource
, living space
, living environment
, transportation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10): - 2005 - 郊外人口の変動と郊外の持続性の要件
- 山間部過疎地域におけるトンネル建設の居住環境への影響
- 生活圏の変化と居住環境への意識
- 生活行動の広域化と社会的厚生の関係
- 小都市の居住環境評価
- 交流社会における生活行動と居住環境の形成、および地域づくりの相互関連
- Study of relations between city centers and suburbs in order to achieve sustainable form in a depopulated society
- Consumption for life design to improve wellbeing
- Evaluation of Residential Conditions in Small Cities
- Interaction between Life Activities and Regional Structure in Integrated Interacting Society
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MISC (69): -
How Has the Town Center of a New Town become a Kind of Compact Town?: A Study of Migration to High-rise Flats in the Town Center. Working paper No.217, Research Institute of Economics and Business Administration. 2008
How Has the Town Center of a New Town become a Kind of Compact Town?: A Study of Migration to High-rise Flats in the Town Center. Working paper No.217, Research Institute of Economics and Business Administration. 2008
Requisites for Sustainable Towns in Stagnant Suburbs: A Study of Migration to High-rise Flats near by a subway station. Discussion paper, Research Institute of Economics and Business Administration,. 2007
Suggestions for Sustainable Forms in a Metropolis: A Study of Residents' Behaviors in Kobe City's Stagnant Suburbs. Working paper, Research Institute of Economics and Business Administration. 2007. No.214
二種類の欲求充足を組み合せた満足の生成メカニズム-T. シトフスキーの理論を基礎にして. 生活経済学研究. 2007. 25. 81-92
more... Books (1): - 生活行動と居住環境の形成に関する社会経済学的研究
兵庫県立大学経済経営研究所叢書 2005
Works (6): -
2003 -
2003 -
1999 -
1995 -
1991 -
more... Education (6): Professional career (4): - master of economics (University of Tsukuba)
- master of engineering (Osaka University)
- Doctor of Economics (*Kobe University of Commerce*)
- 生活行動と居住環境の形成に関する社会経済学的研究
Work history (5): - 2005/04 - - 兵庫県立大学経済学部応用経済学科 教授
- 2000 - 2001 客員研究員 Department of Geography, University of Reading
- 1998 - - 神戸商科大学経済研究所 助教授
- 1993 - 1997 (財)21世紀ひようご創造協会 主任研究員
- 1979 - 1990 兵庫県職員
Committee career (3): - 2007 - - 生活経済学会理事
- 2004 - 日本テレワーク学会 幹事
- 2004 - 生活経済学会 関西部会運営委員
Awards (3): - 1995 - (財)情報通信学会設立10周年記念懸賞論文入賞
- 1990 - 7回東洋経済「高橋亀吉」懸賞論文入賞
- 1989 - 6回東洋経済「高橋亀吉」懸賞論文入賞
Association Membership(s) (8):
, The regional science association international
, 日本テレワーク学会
, 日本社会情報学会
, 日本地域学会
, 生活経済学会
, 日本都市計画学会
, 日本計画行政学会
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